昨天我在研究 mongodb carrierwave gridfs 的时候,发现我上传 20M 的文件的时候运行正常,当我上传一个 40 多 M 的文件的时候就报错。
Could not connect to a primary node for replica set ]>
然后不知道是什么问题,我看到 Mongodb.log 文件里面的报错是
Tue Jan 8 16:15:13 [conn600] recv(): message len 49804658 is too large49804658
Where to store the data.
Note: if you run mongodb as a non-root user (recommended) you may
need to create and set permissions for this directory manually,
e.g., if the parent directory isn't mutable by the mongodb user.
#where to log
#port = 27017
Disables write-ahead journaling
nojournal = true
Enables periodic logging of CPU utilization and I/O wait
#cpu = true
Turn on/off security. Off is currently the default
#noauth = true
#auth = true
Verbose logging output.
#verbose = true
Inspect all client data for validity on receipt (useful for
developing drivers)
#objcheck = true
Enable db quota management
#quota = true
Set oplogging level where n is
0=off (default)
7=W+some reads
#diaglog = 0
Ignore query hints
#nohints = true
Disable the HTTP interface (Defaults to localhost:28017).
#nohttpinterface = true
Turns off server-side scripting. This will result in greatly limited
#noscripting = true
Turns off table scans. Any query that would do a table scan fails.
#notablescan = true
Disable data file preallocation.
#noprealloc = true
Specify .ns file size for new databases.
nssize =
Accout token for Mongo monitoring server.
#mms-token =
Server name for Mongo monitoring server.
#mms-name =
Ping interval for Mongo monitoring server.
#mms-interval =
Replication Options