Ruby mbury brochure

Koz · 2012年11月23日 · 最后由 skandhas 回复于 2012年11月28日 · 2363 次阅读

Hi! This is Koz in Tokyo.

I got a soft copy of mruby board, Matz talked about that in the last RubyConfChina. If someone in the community wants the file, please contact me.

Actually the technology fits to Chinese embedded business in the sourther part of China like Guangzhou.

Anyway, very happy to have met guys in the last conf! Hope to see you next year with Matz.

Best regards, and keep on Rolling!


PS if you have some movie or photos of my presentation at the conf, pls send me or share. I would like to see them to my wife...


Pictures and slides are under the node

Pictures on flickr:

I think videos are not ready yet...


@Koz 你的中文真好啊。

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