招聘 [北京] 美资公司 kabam 招聘高级 ruby 开发工程师

yurihr · 2012年09月05日 · 最后由 woaigithub 回复于 2012年10月17日 · 3278 次阅读

Kabam Asia is looking for a Beijing-based Back-end Developer(Ruby on Rails) to join our Beijing game studio. Our Beijing studio is a fully functional We are well-funded and offer a competitive salary and benefits.

Kabam is growing and we’re growing quickly. We’re building games that are changing how social games are played and the success of our games has established us as a definitive leader in the strategic massively multi-player social gaming space. Our studio business model allows us to sustain a startup culture that empowers you to drive change and create and own the outcome of your contributions – contributions that impact millions of gamers daily.

Think you have what it takes to make real games? We want to meet you.

  • BRILLIANT RAILS backend senior engineer for a new Facebook game.

  • Profitable, successful company

  • You’re making GAMES


  • Design and code new features and enhancements for a new game
  • Participate in all aspects of a project life-cycle, from specifications through QA
  • Collaborate on finding and fixing bugs and scalability/optimization issues


  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • Scalability techniques

We’re profitable, pay well, and offer free lunch, Read more about us at 高级 RUBY ON RAILS 工程师 / Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer Engineering | Beijing, China

后端开发工程师(高级 RUBY ON RAILS 工程师) Engineering | Beijing,China

Kabam Asia 北京工作室诚邀后端开发工程师加盟,我们在北京的工作室人员配备齐全、功能完善。此外,我们的资金实力非常雄厚,并为员工提供极具行业竞争力的薪酬。

目前,Kabam 正在迅速地成长着。我们的游戏极具颠覆性,在大型多人社交游戏领域,我们是无可替代的领军人物。我们坚信我们的工作室运营模式能够引燃您的创业激情,在这里,您能引领变革、推动事情发生并实现您的价值 - 您的付出将会改变每日数百万游戏玩家的生活。


*成为一款全新 Facebook 游戏杰出的后端开发工程师 *公司赢利,成功 *你在创作游戏


*针对一款新游戏进行新功能的设计和编码,并改进和完善代码。 *参与一个项目整个开发过程的各个方面,从项目规格设计到质量保证。 *通力合作,找到并修复代码错误,增强游戏的可扩展性并优化游戏性能。

职位要求 你需要掌握:

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • 网络扩展技术 简历投递邮箱:[email protected] 简历请勿重复投递。

两年工作经验,不过是 javaweb 和 android 的,rails 刚学一个多月,公司要不?


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