招聘 Remote,招聘 JavaScript Engineer(Full-Time, 40 Hours/Week)

wangmeng · 2025年02月13日 · 最后由 paulwei 回复于 2025年03月13日 · 687 次阅读

企业简介: Brand: Magickbase => Magi(decision-making system), CKB(Common Knowledge Base), Base

Products: Neuron, a full-node desktop ckb wallet CKB Explorer, ckb explorer for the layer1 GwScan, godwoken explorer for the layer2 Axon Explorer, axon explorer for the layer2

Vision: Analyzing data from three platforms in the system for decision making and providing a controller for users to drive their assets.

招聘岗位: JavaScript Engineer


. Develop high-quality web applications and electron-based desktop applications. . Continuously optimize code, applications, and user interfaces within the codebase. . Contribute to the development of dev-tools/libs for the entire ecosystem of the Nervos Network CKB project, including a TypeScript-based JS SDK (Lumos) and associated tools. . Create comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and examples for developed applications and tools.

Minimum Qualifications

. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent demonstrable skills and experience. . Proven experience in front-end development, with a strong familiarity with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript, along with a clear understanding of web standards (Accessibility, Security). . Previous work on diverse front-end scopes, including Node.js applications and electron applications. . Proficiency in front-end utilities such as scaffolding, CSS preprocessors, and template engines. . Preferably experienced in React and TypeScript.

Magickbase . Hands-on experience with React and a strong working knowledge of developing across multiple runtimes like Node.js and modern browsers. . Knowledge of Blockchain concepts and previous involvement in related product designs. . Fluent in Mandarin and English for reading and writing.

Preferred Qualifications

. Active participation in open-source communities. . Presence on GitHub or a personal blog showcasing relevant work. . Working knowledge of the UTxO model, particularly in blockchain systems like BTC. . Previous experience working with decentralized applications (dApps).

工作语言:中文/英文可读写 其他要求:擅长 C 端页面开发,可以做动画特效;熟悉规则,能处理自适应 布局。 收件邮箱:[email protected] 薪资:4000U-5500U;无社保公积金;会根据项目组收益、产出等进行相应的薪资调整 工作方式:周一至周五,早上十点钟到下午七点钟,午休两小时,周末双休,时区:东八区 工作语言:中文沟通流利,英文读写流利 录用流程:一到两轮面试

全栈开发者,精通 React、Node.js 等技术栈,具备复杂前后端系统设计与开发经验。熟悉跨平台移动应用开发及小程序实现,擅长高性能服务构建与数据库优化。熟练运用 CI/CD 流程及云服务部署,具备区块链应用开发基础,能够高效交付高质量解决方案,适应快速迭代的业务需求。 欢迎联系

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40 Hours/Week,在国内绝对具备吸引力,哈哈

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