招聘 [远程] Tasktag 招聘 Ruby on Rails 中、高级工程师,北美项目,可远程办公

kevinzhao · 2024年11月09日 · 最后由 693856 回复于 2024年12月22日 · 2168 次阅读

我们是一家位于美国休斯顿的科技公司,公司名字叫 Tasktag,也是我们的产品名字。


TaskTag is the all-in-one project management app, developed by construction pros, for construction pros!👷🏼‍♂️📲

Are you tired of endlessly looking for project documents, and scrolling through hundreds of images? It’s time to download TaskTag, and let the app do the work for you ✅ With our app, you effortlessly turn discussions into tasks, and ideas into plans – in the office or on the go. It’s how to project ⚡️

✨Here’s a breakdown of our key features:

🚀Our search feature allows you to quickly find files related to projects. Every file, photo, or video is stored in one app.

🚀Our chat feature lets you collaborate with teams, so that everyone is up-to-date in real time. You can create an unlimited amount of group chats, which means you can always get the right people on board with any task! Use the chat to send simple updates, assign tasks, request job photos from contractors, or even share funny moments with your team!

🚀Our tagging feature allows you to properly organize chats, by simply adding a hashtag to a message. This streamlines communication and job assignment to crews and subtractors.

🚀Our task feature allows you to view all your tasks in one place, categorize them based on priority, and assign deadlines.

You never have to spend hours organizing your construction projects again!⏰ Try out our free Team plan right now, and see for yourself ✅👷🏼‍♂️


Industry Technology, Information and Internet

Company size 11-50 employees

Headquarters Houston, Texas


我们需要招聘一名经验丰富的 Ruby, Ruby on Rails 工程师,你可以选择在家远程办公,也可以选择到山东和我们的国内团队一起办公。工作时间比较自由,待遇根据工作时间和个人能力而定。

感兴趣的小伙伴们请发送简历至 [email protected] 并注明来自 Ruby China,期待你的加入!





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