杭州秘猿科技有限公司的使命是用技术创造信任,为未来数字世界构建新的基础设施和服务。秘猿科技成立于 2016 年,2017 年获得招银国际战略投资,是一家以纯研究与工程为导向的技术公司,在区块链领域实力深厚。
我们具有丰富的区块链生态实践经验。从 2011 年开始参与或主导各种区块链项目,包括世界第一个开源的数字资产交易平台貔貅 Peatio;星火矿池 Spark pool;以太坊 Ethereum;以太坊爱好者社区 Ethfans;开源区块链底层内核 CITA;与招商银行等主流金融机构进行的金融 + 区块链合作;以及 Nervos CKB 和 Muta 等等,涵盖了区块链生态的各个方面。
我们一直奉行开放和开源的精神,坚信透明是信任的基础,开源是区块链的基石,所有项目代码均在 Github 开源。我们与国内外多家研究机构及团队建立了长期的合作关系和良好的交流通道,无条件的与合作伙伴分享研究成果。
People often think blockchain is coins, but we believe blockchain can transform the world through every aspect of people’s lives, most importantly reframing trust. We, Cryptape, are creating trust with technology, and provide the infrastructure and services for the crypto-economy. We design protocols and make them run, we are designers and engineers of our own future. We opensource everything we created. We encourage knowledge sharing and participate in many key dev events to boost innovation because we do believe that innovation can happen from every one of our team members. We are a distributed team, we work remotely.
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