Ruby Ruby 3.1 on Rails

crazyjacky · 2022年01月04日 · 572 次阅读

Details - if you are interested

Maintenance Policy for Ruby on Rails

As of Dec 25, 2021, Supporting Ruby 3.1 with Rails should not be security issues.

  • Rails 7.0.Z accepts bug fixes.
  • Rails 6.1.Z accepts security issues only.
  • Rails 6.0.Z accepts severe security issues only.

Changes to support Ruby 3.1

  • Add Class#descendants
  • Psych 4 support
  • net-smtp, net-imap, net-pop are bundled gems
  • Ruby 3.1 performance optimization
  • DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)' has been deprecated.


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