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zzz6519003 · 2021年10月29日 · 最后由 zzz6519003 回复于 2024年11月23日 · 341 次阅读

By Tom Van Eyck, Software Development Engineer, Workday

Ruby’s built-in Queue class is an incredibly handy data structure for all kinds of problems. Its versatility can be attributed to its pop method, which can be used in both a blocking and a non-blocking manner. However, when using a blocking pop, you may not always want to run the risk of this pop potentially blocking indefinitely. Instead, you might want your pop to block only until a given timeout interval has expired, after which it’ll throw an exception. We’ll refer to a queue that supports such pop behavior as a TimeoutQueue. This article shows you how to build such a queue. Setting the Stage Going forward, I’ll assume you’re comfortable with the concepts introduced in my earlier post on condition variables. Our starting point will be the SimpleQueue implementation that we wrote as part of that post. The code for this implementation is shown below. If some of its concepts are unfamiliar to you, I highly recommend that you read my earlier post first for more context.

This SimpleQueue class behaves very similarly to Ruby’s built-in Queue class:

  • a non-blocking pop called on a non-empty queue will return immediately
  • a non-blocking pop called on an empty queue will raise a ThreadError
  • a blocking pop called on a non-empty queue will return immediately
  • a blocking pop called on an empty queue will wait for data to arrive before returning It is the scenario described by the last of these four bullet points (blocking pop, empty queue) that we want to improve upon. In its current implementation, a blocking pop called on an empty queue will block for as long as the queue remains empty. As there is no guarantee that the queue will ever receive data, this could be a very long time indeed. In order to prevent such indefinite waits from occurring, we can add timeout functionality to this blocking pop. Before moving on to the next section, let’s write a bit of code to prove that the four bullet points above do, in fact, hold true for our SimpleQueue implementation.

At this point, we can rest assured that our SimpleQueue class does indeed behave like Ruby’s built-in Queue class. Now let’s continue on to the next section where we’ll start adding timeout functionality to the blocking pop method. A First Attempt at Adding Timeout Functionality The next few sections focus exclusively on improving the pop method code shown below. We’ll see how we can add timeout functionality to this method with just a few well-chosen lines of code.

A first attempt at introducing timeout functionality could start by scrolling through Ruby’s condition variable documentation. Doing so, we might find that the wait method can take an optional timeout parameter that will cause this method to return if it is still waiting after timeout seconds have passed. wait(mutex, timeout = nil)

Releases the lock held in mutex and waits; reacquires the lock on wakeup. If timeout is given, this method returns after timeout seconds passed, even if no other thread doesn’t signal. This could cause us to decide that we need to modify our pop method to make use of this timeout functionality. Our code would then probably end up looking something like the snippet shown below.

This code allows for the user to pass a timeout parameter to the pop method. This value will then get used by our condition variable’s wait method. Seems pretty easy, right? Let’s write some Ruby code to test whether the above code will allow a blocking pop method to timeout when called on an empty queue.

Our timeout parameter seems to have had no effect whatsoever. Instead of timing out, our blocking pop will still wait indefinitely for new data to arrive. What’s happening here is that @cond_var.wait(@mutex, timeout) will indeed return after its timeout interval has passed. However, keep in mind that this statement is inside the while @elems.empty? loop. What happens is that @cond_var.wait(@mutex, timeout) returns after ten seconds. At this point, the loop’s predicate is re-evaluated. If the queue has remained empty, then the loop repeats for another iteration from which it returns after another ten seconds. As you can see, we’re stuck in an infinite loop of 10-second intervals that we’ll only be able to break out of once some data gets added to the queue. We will need to come up with a better approach if we want our blocking pop to timeout correctly. How Not to Improve Upon our First Attempt At first glance, it might seem reasonable to infer that the poor performance of this approach is solely due to the presence of the while @elems.empty? loop. As such, one might conclude that the best way to improve this behavior would involve replacing our while loop with an if statement. The resulting code would then look something like this.

Let’s see what happens when we use this implementation and run it against the Ruby code snippet that we produced earlier.

Our new approach seems to work pretty well. However, replacing our while loop with an if statement is just about the worst thing we could do. As I’ve mentioned in great detail in my earlier post, using an if statement not only introduces a subtle race condition, but also makes our code no longer impervious to spurious wakeups. The race condition story is a bit too long to repeat here. However, I’ll try to briefly readdress the topic of spurious wakeups. Spurious wakeups occur when a condition variable is woken up out of its wait state for no reason. This illustrious behavior is due to the POSIX library’s implementation of condition variables. As such, this is not something we can easily control. This is why we’ll need to ensure that any code we write will behave correctly in the face of any such wakeups occurring. Knowing what we know now, let’s look back at the code we wrote earlier. Imagine that a spurious wakeup were to occur immediately after our condition variable entered its wait state. If our code were to be using an if statement, then such a wakeup could instantly cause a ThreadError to be raised. This is not what we want! We only want a ThreadError to be raised after the timeout interval has expired! Adding Timeout Functionality the Right Way In this section, we’ll see how we can correctly implement timeout functionality. Up until now, we’ve been trying to have our one pop method handle the two possible scenarios of the user specifying a timeout interval, as well as that of the user not specifying a timeout interval. While it’s possible for us to continue this trend, the resulting logic will be unusually complex. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll create a new pop_with_timeout method that we’ll use to explain the scenario where a timeout interval was specified. Our goal will be to improve on the code shown below. Notice that this code is pretty much identical to the code we covered in the previous section. The only real difference is that the timeout parameter no longer defaults to nil. Instead, we now expect the user to always provide a positive value for this parameter.

Thinking back to the previous section, one of the problems with our approach is the value of timeout in @cond_var.wait(@mutex, timeout). If we could get this value to decrease as time passes, then our code would be resistant to spurious wakeups. For example, if our condition variable were to be spuriously awoken after just 4 seconds into a 10-second timeout interval, then the next iteration of the while loop should cause our condition variable to re-enter its wait state for 6 seconds. First, if we want the value passed to @cond_var.wait to decrease as time goes by, then we should start by storing when @cond_var.wait gets called. So let’s introduce a start_time variable that does this.

Next up, we want to start decreasing the timeout value passed to @cond_var.wait. Keep in mind that Ruby will raise an exception if this value were to be negative. So we should also add some logic that prevents this from happening.

Our code is starting to look pretty good. We’ve introduced a new remaining_time variable to help us keep track of the time remaining in our timeout interval. By recalculating this variable with every iteration of our while loop, we ensure that its value decreases as time passes. So if a spurious wakeup were to prematurely awaken our condition variable, then the next iteration of our while loop would put it to sleep again for an appropriate amount of time. Unfortunately, this code has an annoying shortcoming in that it doesn’t break free from the while @elems.empty? loop once the timeout interval has expired. Right now, this loop will keep repeating itself until the queue is no longer empty. What we really want is to escape from this loop once our queue is no longer empty OR our remaining_time value becomes zero or less. Luckily, this is quite straightforward to solve.

We can write the above approach slightly more succinctly by replacing start_time with timeout_time. This gives us our final pop_with_timeout code shown here.

The final TimeoutQueue class is shown below. The pop_with_timeout logic has been put inside the regular pop method in order to minimize code duplication. It should be pretty easy to recognize the bits and pieces that we’ve covered as part of this article.

Let’s see how our TimeoutQueue fares when we plug it into our trusty Ruby snippet.

This is exactly the behavior that we want. This is the same behavior we saw back when we replaced our while loop with an if statement. However, this time around our queue will behave correctly in the face of spurious wakeups. If our condition variable were to be woken up early, then our while loop would ensure it is put back to sleep again. This while loop also protects us from a subtle race condition that would have otherwise been introduced if we had used an if statement instead. More information about this race condition can be found in one of my earlier posts. We have now successfully created a fully functioning TimeoutQueue class! Conclusion I hope this article has been helpful for those wanting to add timeout functionality to their Ruby queues. Condition variables are a notoriously poorly documented subject in Ruby, and hopefully, this post goes some way toward alleviating this. I also want to give a shout-out to Job Vranish, whose two posts on condition variables inspired me to start learning more about them well over a year ago. Workday Technology The Workday Technology Blog is a collaboration of…

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