Ruby 发现一个很有趣的 commit

hooopo · 2012年06月29日 · 最后由 hooopo 回复于 2012年06月29日 · 2530 次阅读

我们现在几乎每天都使用的 blank?方法就是 7 年前_why the lucky stiff 给 rails 提交的。

不过那时候的 blank 方法和现在的还有一点差别,0 也被算成 blank 的,并且换行符不算 blank..

dhh authored 7 years ago

随随便便就 7 年前啊。


By day, Aaron Patterson (tenderlove) is a mild mannered programmer for AT&T Interactive whose Ruby code is almost as good looking as him. By night, he dons his Pink Warrior suit which gives him the power to contribute to many Open Source projects such as nokogiri, Ruby, and Rails. If you have seen someone kissing Matz or DHH at a conference, it was probably him. You can find him on twitter, or read his blog.

Jon Leighton is a freelance Ruby consultant from Oxford, UK and (probably) the only core member who defiantly refuses to use a Mac! When he occasionally goes AFK, Jon enjoys dangling from small bits of rock on the sides of cliffs and mountains. You can follow @jonleighton, or read his blog.

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