招聘 [苏州][内推] 微软:Outlook Mobile 团队招聘后端 / Android / iOS / Engineering Manager (高分应用,HC 充足)

imwildcat · 2019年12月08日 · 最后由 zzz6519003 回复于 2019年12月11日 · 2764 次阅读

Outlook Mobile(苏州)最近开放了大量职位,欢迎大家内推申请。机会难得,可年前面试,年后入职。



  • Service Engineer(JD 稍后补上): experience in Java, C++ and/or C# preferred
  • iOS Engineer: experience in Swift preferred (fine if you're passionate about iOS app development and ready to learn)
  • Android Engineer: experience in Java and Kotlin preferred (fine if you're passionate about iOS app development and ready to learn)
  • Engineering Manager: 2+ years experience in people manager role (still strong in hands on work)


  • Strong coding skills, and ability to write clean code
  • Strong in English reading and writing with workable oral English
  • Strong team spirit, easy to collaborate
  • Strong learning ability, willing to learn and try new things out
  • Previous relevant experience is a big plus



住宿 心水

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