招聘 [上海 ][外企-凯业必达] Ruby 软件工程师-可远程

careerbuilder · 2018年12月13日 · 最后由 careerbuilder 回复于 2018年12月19日 · 3473 次阅读

About CareerBuilder®

CareerBuilder is a global technology company that provides end-to-end HR solutions to help employers find, hire and onboard great talent, and helps job seekers build new skills and progressive careers as the modern world of work changes. A known disruptor for nearly 25 years, CareerBuilder is the only company that offers both software and services to cover every step of the "hello to hire™" process, enabling its customers to free up valuable resources across their HR tech supply chain to drive their business forward. Specializing in talent acquisition recruiting platforms, employment screening and human capital management, CareerBuilder is the largest provider of AI-powered hiring solutions serving the majority of the Fortune 500 across five specialized markets. CareerBuilder is majority-owned by funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Global Management, LLC and operates in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit

凯业必达信息技术(上海)有限公司是美国 CareerBuilder 在中国设立的技术支持和研发机构。我们鼓励员工的自主创新精神,为员工提供良好的学习与工作的环境,比如开办全球 Hackathon,获奖者可得到 IPAD AIR 等礼品。福利除了正常的社保和公积金外,我们还提供住房补充公积金,健身福利补助,额外家庭人寿保险,领导培训机会和出国出差机会。除正常国定假期外还有 3 周带薪年、病假。上班时间灵活,无加班文化,以自觉为原则,人性化管理,没有打卡制度。办公室有乒乓球和吉他,欢迎你来挑战。






*熟练掌握 Ruby 语言

*拥有 Angular or Node 经验优先考虑

*拥有 HTML5 和 CSS3 的经验,熟悉响应式页面的开发与维护。

*熟练使用 GitHub 者优先考虑

*熟悉 MySQL, SQL Server 数据库,同时熟悉非关系型数据库者优先考虑

有意向者请发简历至 [email protected],邮件说明投递来源【Ruby China】

Hr 比较 nice,可惜只能是工作一段时间才能远程


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