招聘 [上海] 美资众创空间鼻祖 WeWork 招全栈工程师 (Ruby on Rails),估值 160 亿美元

HunterCissy · 2018年03月01日 · 1315 次阅读



WeWork 最早于 2011 年 4 月向纽约市的创业人士提供服务。

截至 2016 年 3 月,WeWork 在全球的 23 座城市拥有 80 个共享办公场所,分布在美国的纽约、波士顿、费城、华盛顿特区、迈阿密、芝加哥、奥斯汀、伯克利、旧金山、洛杉矶、波特兰和西雅图等城市,以及英国伦敦、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、以色列特拉维夫等。


2016 年 3 月,WeWork 表示,联想控股和弘毅资本牵头了本轮融资,WeWork 本轮融资的估值达到了 160 亿美元。弘毅资本首席执行官赵令欢在声明中则表示,“WeWork 非常适合中国的文化。”WeWork 并未透露本轮融资对公司的估值。不过消息人士透露,WeWork 本轮融资的估值达到了 160 亿美元。


Full-Stack Software Engineer

About this role:

We are looking for experienced and passionate software engineers that thrive in small, focused and highly collaborative teams. You will be working closely with the Product, Design and engineering teams to not only develop, but also help define and execute on projects. Strong communication skills and a desire to be involved in all aspects of the project life-cycle are a must. Strong problem solving skills, thinking outside the box and dealing with ambiguity are skills that we value. Our technology stack is primarily Ruby/Rails, React, but we are not dogmatic about it.


 You must be good at Ruby on Rails (RoR) and JavaScript.  You are fluent in one or more languages (Python, Java, C++, C#, Perl, PHP, etc).  You have experience developing WeChat applications.  You try to future-proof everything you create by minimizing built-in assumptions, and writing tests where appropriate.  You advocate the use of MVC, templating, ORMs, and other techniques to save time and headaches.  You write DRY code.  3-4 years of relevant work experience.  Fluent in English.


 You want to work in a small, agile team  You work hard and don’t need much oversight  You like variety in your projects  You want to be proud of what you do at your job



简历请发给猎头 Cissy:[email protected],或联系微信/手机:13916005432

要求英文好,薪资从优 + 期权,你懂的!

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