测试 敏捷实践 (2) - appium 支持与无法支持的测试

edwardzhou · 2017年08月07日 · 7486 次阅读

1. 简介

在探索 App 自动化测试工具过程中,主要接触了 MacacaAppium, 已及稍稍看了点 Calabash

其中,Calabash 与 Appium 都支持使用 Cucumber 编写测试用例。由于精力有限,Calabash 没有更进一步研究,有兴趣的朋友可以看看,交流一下心得。

Macaca 在 敏捷实践 - 我们是如何自动化 App 验收标准(一) 一文中有提到过,是我的前端小伙伴 Lorne 向我推荐的,看了文档,也装上试了试,不得不说 Macaca 非常优秀,上手非常容易,同时支持 NodeJS 与 Python 与 Java 三大主流语言。就是文档稍有些少。推荐大家试试。

Appium 是个非常优秀的 App 自动化测试工具,支持的语言比 Macaca 多一些。让我选择 Appium 而不是 Macaca 的关键因数并非所支持语言的多少,而是 Appium 支持用 Ruby+Cucumber 来写测试用例,简直就像为我们量身定造。没错,我最喜欢用的语言首选 Ruby,其次 NodeJS/Python,再之 Java。

我们的测试用例起步于 appium sample-code 中的 ruby 部分,强烈推荐大家去翻翻代码。

2. Appium

Appium 的详细介绍信息可以参考 在线文档,在这里我并不打算太多重复,而且网上也有不少教程了,只想概要的说明一下它是如何工作的。

2.1 Appium 的体系结构

Appium 是用 NodeJS 写的一个 HTTP 服务,因此使用它需要先安装 NodeJS。它又是通过 WebDriverAgent 组件在移动设备中控制被测试应用执行测试指令。

2.2 工作流程图



测试脚本与 Appium 与被测试的 APP 是分别各自独立的进程,甚至分署在不同的主机与真实设备中。


1). 测试脚本调用appium_lib提供的方法, 如 find, click
2). appium_lib调用转给Selenium WebDriver的Remote Adapter
3). Selenium WebDriver将请求封装为JSON,以HTTP Rest协议向Appium发送请求
4). Appium收到HTTP请求后,将请求交给相应的AppiumDriver
5). AppiumDriver通过HTTP向运行在终端设备上的WebDriverAgent进程(后台app)发送请求
6). 设备上的WebDriverAgent解析请求后,通过XCUITest测试套件与目标测试App交互,并获取结果
7). WebDriverAgent将结果由HTTPResponse返回给Appium
8). Appium再将结果进行包装处理后,由HTTPResponse返回给3)的Selenium WebDriver
9). Selenium WebDriver再将结果转换成Ruby对象返回给测试脚本。  

2.3 Appium 常用指令

官方已经有了非常完整的文档,我也就不再重复或做些翻译工作了。 Ruby 语言请移步


Example use of Appium's mobile gesture.


console.rb uses some code from simple_test.rb and is released under the same license as Appium. The Accessibility Inspector is helpful for discovering button names and textfield values.

Long click on an ImageView in Android.

last_image = find_elements(:tag_name, :ImageView).last
long_press(element: last_image)

Rotate examples.

driver.rotate :landscape
driver.rotate :portrait
  • status["value"]["build"]["revision"] Discover the Appium rev running on the server.
  • driver.keyboard.send_keys "msg" Sends keys to currently active element


  • source Prints a JSON view of the current page.
  • page Prints the content descriptions and text values on the current page.
  • page_class Prints the classes found on the current page.
  • (Element) find(value) Returns the first element that contains value.
  • (Element) finds(value) Returns all elements containing value (iOS only for now).
  • (Element) name(name) Returns the first element containing name. Android name is the content description. iOS uses accessibility label with a fallback to text.
  • (Array<Element>) names(name) Returns all elements containing name.
  • (Element) text(text) Returns the first element containing text.
  • (Array<Element>) texts(text) Returns all elements containing text.
  • current_app Returns information about the current app. Android only.



  1. (void) alert_accept Accept the alert.
  2. (String) alert_accept_text Get the text of the alert's accept button.
  3. (void) alert_click(value) iOS only Tap the alert button identified by value.
  4. (void) alert_dismiss Dismiss the alert.
  5. (String) alert_dismiss_text Get the text of the alert's dismiss button.
  6. (String) alert_text Get the alert message text.


  1. (Button) button(index) Find a button by index.
  2. (Button) button(text) Get the first button that includes text.
  3. (Array<String>, Array<Buttons>) buttons(text = nil) Get an array of button texts or button elements if text is provided.
  4. (Array<Button>) buttons(text) Get all buttons that include text.
  5. (Button) first_button Get the first button element.
  6. (Button) last_button Get the last button element.


  1. (Textfield) textfield(index) Find a textfield by index.
  2. (Array<Textfield>) textfields Get an array of textfield elements.
  3. (Textfield) first_textfield Get the first textfield element.
  4. (Textfield) last_textfield Get the last textfield element.
  5. (Textfield) textfield_exact(text) Get the first textfield that matches text.
  6. (Textfield) textfield(text) Get the first textfield that includes text.


The Static Text methods have been prefixed with s_ to avoid conflicting with the generic text methods.

  1. (Text) text(index) Find a text by index.
  2. (Array<Text>) texts Get an array of text elements.
  3. (Text) first_text Get the first text element.
  4. (Text) last_text Get the last text element.
  5. (Text) text_exact(text) Get the first element that matches text.
  6. (Text) text(text) Get the first textfield that includes text.


  1. (Object) window_size Get the window's size.

-- # button, text
e.value # secure, textfield
e.type 'some text' # type text into textfield
e.clear # clear textfield
e.tag_name # calls .type (patch.rb)
e.send_keys 'keys to send'
e.set_value 'value to set' # ruby_console specific
e.displayed? # true or false depending if the element is visible
e.selected? # is the tab selected?
e.attribute('checked') # is the checkbox checked?

# alert example without helper methods
alert = $driver.switch_to.alert

# Secure textfield example.
# Find using default value
s = textfield 'Password'
# Enter password
s.send_keys 'hello'
# Check value
s.value == ios_password('hello'.length)



start_driver will restart the driver.

x will quit the driver and exit Pry.

execute_script calls $driver.execute_script

find_element calls $driver.find_element

find_elements calls $driver.find_elements

no_wait will set implicit wait to 0. $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 0

set_wait will set implicit wait to default seconds. $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = default

set_wait(timeout_seconds) will set implicit wait to desired timeout. $driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = timeout

.click to tap an element. .send_keys to type on an element.

Raw UIAutomation

execute_script "au.lookup('button')[0].tap()" is the same as execute_script 'UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().buttons()[0].tap()'

See app.js for more au methods. Note that raw UIAutomation commands are not officially supported.

Advanced au.

In this example we lookup two tags, combine the results, wrap with $, and then return the elements.

s = %(
var t = au.lookup('textfield');
var s = au.lookup('secure');
var r = $(t.concat(s));

execute_script s


See #194 for details.

find_element  :xpath, 'button'
find_elements :xpath, 'button'

find_element  :xpath, 'button[@name="Sign In"]'
find_elements :xpath, 'button[@name="Sign In"]'

find_element  :xpath, 'button[contains(@name, "Sign In")]'
find_elements :xpath, 'button[contains(@name, "Sign")]'

find_element :xpath, 'textfield[@value="Email"]'
find_element :xpath, 'textfield[contains(@value, "Email")]'

find_element  :xpath, 'text[contains(@name, "Reset")]'
find_elements :xpath, 'text[contains(@name, "agree")]'

3. Appium 支持与无法支持的测试

在 2.2 中,可以看到测试代码并不能直接访问被测试的 App 已及它的控件。因此能测试的也就是 XCUITest (iOS) 套件所支持的方法与属性。

支持的测试: 查找元素,获取 name value type text size location enabled? displayed? selected?等属性,或者发送点击事件,为文本框输入文字。


1) 打开登录页面
2) 找到 “用户名” 输入框,输入 [email protected]
3) 找到 “密码” 输入框, 输入 123456
4) 找到 “登录” 按钮,向它发生点击事件
5) 登录成功,检查用户是否处于主页面


# -----------------
# This documentation is intended to show you how to get started with a
# simple Appium & appium_lib test.  This example is written without a specific
# testing framework in mind;  You can use appium_lib on any framework you like.
# --------------
# If you don't have rvm installed, run the following terminal command
# \curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
# ---------------
# Then, change to the example directory:
#   cd appium-location/sample-code/examples/ruby
# and install the required gems with bundler by doing:
#   bundle install
# -----------------
# To run the tests, make sure appium is running in another terminal
# window, then from the same window you used for the above commands, type
# bundle exec ruby simple_test.rb
# It will take a while, but once it's done you should get nothing but a line
# telling you "Tests Succeeded";  You'll see the iOS Simulator cranking away
# doing actions while we're running.
require 'rubygems'
require 'appium_lib'

APP_PATH = '../../apps/TestApp/build/release-iphonesimulator/'

desired_caps = {
  caps:       {
    platformName:  'iOS',
    versionNumber: '8.1',
    deviceName:    'iPhone 6',
    app:           APP_PATH,
  appium_lib: {
    sauce_username:   nil, # don't run on Sauce
    sauce_access_key: nil

# Start the driver

module Calculator
  module IOS
    # Add all the Appium library methods to Test to make
    # calling them look nicer.
    Appium.promote_singleton_appium_methods Calculator

    # Add two numbers
    values       = [rand(10), rand(10)]
    expected_sum = values.reduce(&:+)

    # Find every textfield.
    elements     = textfields

    elements.each_with_index do |element, index|
      element.type values[index]

    # Click the first button

    # Get the first static text field, then get its text
    actual_sum = first_text.text
    raise unless actual_sum == (expected_sum.to_s)

    # Alerts are visible
    button('show alert').click
    find_element :class_name, 'UIAAlert' # Elements can be found by :class_name

    # wait for alert to show
    wait { text 'this alert is so cool' }

    # Or by find

    # Waits until alert doesn't exist
    wait_true { !exists { tag('UIAAlert') } }

    # Alerts can be switched into
    wait { button('show alert').click } # Get a button by its text
    alert         = driver.switch_to.alert # Get the text of the current alert, using
    # the Selenium::WebDriver directly
    alerting_text = alert.text
    raise Exception unless alerting_text.include? 'Cool title'
    alert_accept # Accept the current alert

    # Window Size is easy to get
    sizes = window_size
    raise Exception unless sizes.height == 667
    raise Exception unless sizes.width == 375

    # Quit when you're done!
    puts 'Tests Succeeded!'

提醒,由于 sample-code 中的 TestApp 比较老了,上面的测试代码直接跑,是会失败的。这个是很隐晦的问题导致,新版模拟器 (eg. iPhone 6 (iOS 10.0x)), 在运行这个 app 是,会自动弹出一个告警信息,说“TestApp 使用老版本编译的,会影响系统系能,建议用新 xcode 重新编译”。就是这个 alert 框,导致测试脚本找不到相应的控件而失败。

这个事情一开始也卡了我很久,为什么测试用例会通不过?后来是在用 Appium Ruby Console 的时候找到的。

解决方式有两个: 一、重新编译 TestApp;

二、测试代码在“ # Add two numbers”前加入 sleep(10) 暂停 10 秒,让你有机会点击 alert 上的 OK 按钮,关掉对话框。

当时不想多事,选择了二。 现在想想,应该还有三:就是把 sleep 换成 alert_accept 来关掉对话框。有兴趣的可以自己试试。

无法支持的测试: 首先,测试脚本无法直接访问被测对象,其次,来之于上面 XCUITest 的限制,关于控件有无边框,控件状态,动画效果,字体变化,颜色,对齐等视觉效果,我们是无法测试的。

关于这一点,stackoverflow 上也有老外在吐槽:


a) 文章的标题需要根据不同的状态,用红色,黑色,灰色等不同的颜色展示。

b) 当点击“上传”按钮后,头像 Image 应当加载新的头像地址。


尤其是我们的 App 是用 React Native 开发的,给我们的测试用例带来了更多的限制与挑战。

4. 解决方案

自动化测试更多的是在功能性上,流程性上的测试起作用,基本能覆盖了 80%~90% 的功能性测试范围。

对于自动化不好做的 AC,我们的处理方式很简单,把它们放到人工测试的范围去,当环境、需求、技术发生变化了,能自动化测试了,再自动化,不要太去纠结。

最后,自动化测试并不能代替一切,也无法覆盖所有的地方。 它的最大价值在于使得 App 的开发也能够持续集成。 极大的降低了全回归的成本与工作量。

需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请 注册新账号