招聘 [FreeWheel] 招聘资深 Ruby/Golang/Java 开发

FreeWheel17 · 2017年07月24日 · 最后由 FreeWheel17 回复于 2017年08月25日 · 2777 次阅读

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FreeWheel 长这样:

在 FreeWheel 感受一下被宠坏的 feel~

FreeWheel 站在视频广告变革前沿,引领行业发展。在这里你可以接触到视频广告平台级产品的核心技术,并且能真正体会到 Work & Life Balance!年假 15 天起,带薪病假 12 天,元旦春节期间还多放 5 天,夏天的周五只要 3 点就下班。享受长期股票激励及 401k 计划,还有每天丰盛的自助午餐,无限量的进口零食饮料及星巴克现磨咖啡等你来!

Senior Software Engineer – UI/API

ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITY: FreeWheel is looking for passionate Software Engineers to help design and build our high-quality, innovative video advertising platform. This position is based in Beijing.

FreeWheel helps the television industry to monetize their premium contents through a robust technology platform, which enables consumers to view high quality videos on any devices including PC, smart phone, OTT device, set-top box and traditional TV.

FreeWheel’s Beijing Engineering Hub is the center of our global engineering group that is building the one-stop solution for TV industry to manage its billion-dollar revenue. Our tech platform is capable of handling billions of daily requests, providing insightful forecasting of inventory and audience, processing terabytes of raw daily data, and optimizing clients’ business.

RESPONSIBILITIES: o Be responsible for the complete lifecycle of software development, including designing, prototyping, implementation, testing, maintenance and technical support o Produce technical specifications and determine operational feasibility o Write well designed, testable, efficient code o Develop software verification plans and quality assurance procedures o Integrate software components into a fully functional software system o Document and maintain software functionality o Tailor and deploy engineering tools, processes and metrics o Serve as the expert of online advertising industry, and drive the industry with continuous technical innovation o Partner with global engineering, product and operations teams to further incorporate collective innovations

ABOUT YOU: o Extensive experience (3+ years for senior) on building and operating large scale web-based business applications including web sites, MIS, ERP, workflow tools etc. o Solid Knowledgeable in the field (e.g. http, LAMP, JAVA, cutting-edge technologies) o Experience with Ruby on Rails is a plus. o Experience with JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Ajax, and popular frameworks, like JQuery, Bootstrap, etc., is a plus. o Experience in building browser-based rich-client Web application is a plus. o Strong passion with learning / practicing new technics. o Team working skills, good communication skills, Willingness to work under pressure. o Good English skills on listening, speaking, reading and writing. o Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field is a plus.

FreeWheel 创建于 2007 年,是美国最大的综合性传媒集团康卡斯特(Comcast)的全资子公司,全球员工近 600 人。公司总部位于硅谷,在纽约、伦敦和北京分别设有办公室。其中北京办公室作为全球研发中心,负责公司全部核心产品的开发。

基于精准的商业模式和产品定位,并借助高效的技术研发和运营,FreeWheel 已成长为美国视频行业领先的媒体运营平台,助力大型媒体公司在数字时代最大化挖掘其内容的广告价值。目前 90% 美国主流电视媒体和运营商使用我们的广告平台。2014 年,我们服务的视频播放超过 1250 亿次。

作为第三方的广告技术平台,FreeWheel 通过了业内最严格的权威认证——
美国互动广告局 (Interactive Advertising Bureau) : IAB
媒介视听率评级委员会 (Media Rating Council): MRC
美国注册会计师协会 (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) : SAS70/SOC1
此外,我们还是 NBCU2012 年伦敦奥运会、2014 索契冬奥会和 ESPN 2010/2014 年 FIFA 世界杯视频直播的广告服务提供商。

FreeWheel 的人才发展体系

FreeWheel 深知人才的重要和价值,一直以来因拥有一支卓越的技术团队而引以为傲。FreeWheel 北京研发中心目前设立了包括架构设计、软件开发、质量保证、系统运维和技术支持等方面的岗位,团队成员大部分拥有国内一流高校的计算机、软件、电子和数学等相关专业的硕士以上学历,有的来自知名外企并拥有多年工作经验,也有不少走出校园不久的新生力量。在这里,你有机会与世界一流的跨国技术团队和资深互联网广告业务专家一起工作,参与并见证视频广告领域的快速变革,分享公司高速成长所带来的职业发展机会!

FreeWheel 一向珍视人才,我们深知人才对公司的发展成败起着决定性作用,因此在 FreeWheel 我们为人才提供媲美一线互联网公司具有竞争力的薪酬以及兼具多样性、人性化的福利政策。

FreeWheel 薪酬:

My Health:

My Life:
有竞争力的带薪年休假,至少 15 天,最长每年 25 天
FreeWheel Summer Friday

My Perks:
年度 Outing

My Money

更多 FreeWheel 的信息请关注:
FreeWheel 官方微博: @FreeWheel
FreeWheel 官方微信:FreeWheelChina
FreeWheel 官方网站:
FreeWheel 职位发展:
FreeWheel 业务视频介绍:
FreeWheel 员工访谈:
Comcast 业务简介:
FreeWheel 校招主题视频:





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