易空海 Data Science Team 需要你!
我们用最新的技术,为我们的客户设计和开发定制化的人工智能、机器学习、数据挖掘项目。如果你想加入我们的团队,学习这些技术和拥有实战经验,欢迎联系我们,并发送你的简历、github 账号、项目的案例或者链接给我们。如果你想了解我们更多,欢迎浏览 Ekohe
- 你会应用大部分时间到 AI, Machine learning, Data mining 的项目开发和测试中。
- 带领一个小型到中型的项目团队,做项目架构,规划和分析;
- Reviewing 新人的代码;
- Mentoring 新的工程师,有时要 pair-programming;
- 与项目经理合作,分析需求,提出有效的解决方案。
- 1-3 年的 python 经验
- 使用 scikitlearn, numpy, pandas 的经验
- SQL Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- 计算机或者数据分析方向相关本科或者硕士学历
- 能够熟练使用 Mac
- 中英文读写沟通能力
- 能够独立工作,亦有团队精神
- 热爱学习
- 使用 Keras, Tensorflow 的经验
- 使用 Apache Spark 的经验
- MongoDB database
- 使用 Ruby on Rails 进行 web 开发的经验
- Mobile and responsive web 开发的经验
- 懂一些服务器的管理
- 有过管理小型到中型技术团队的经验
请发送以下内容至 [email protected]
- 中文或英文简历
- GitHub 主页;
- 参与的项目或其他工作成果
Ekohe is building a data science team!
We are developing custom AI, Machine Learning and data mining solutions to our clients, bringing them the latest technologies.
We are looking for data science developers who wants to gain real world experience on AI projects and learn new AI techniques.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us and send your CV/Resume, GitHub profile and examples of the work you've worked on.
- The majority of your time will be spent coding, testing and documentation on AI, Machine learning, Data mining projects.
Additionally, depends on your capability, you will be expected to spend some of your time:
Leading development of small to medium scale projects, providing architecture planning and analysis,
Reviewing code of junior developers before it is merged with the primary development branch.
Mentoring Junior developers by providing advice and pair programming.
Collaborating with Project Manager to provide estimates for required features
Required skills:
- 1-3 years of Python experience
- Experience using scikitlearn, numpy, pandas
- SQL Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science / Data Mining
- Able to use a Mac
- Communicate effectively in English (spoken & written)
- Able to work efficiently by yourself and with a team of coworkers
- Willingness to learn
Bonus skills:
- Experience using Keras, Tensorflow
- Experience using Apache Spark
- MongoDB database
- Web development experience particularly using Ruby on Rails
- Mobile and responsive website experience
- Server administration
- Experience leading a small to medium size team of engineers
Please contact us and send the following:
- your English & Chinese resume / CV to [email protected]
- Github or Bitbucket profile
- Examples of your work
Find more about Ekohe