招聘 [上海] Faria 诚聘 Rails 工程师 (Senior Rails Engineer)

Faria · 2017年06月01日 · 最后由 Faria 回复于 2017年06月19日 · 2903 次阅读

Faria 是一家国际教育领域的 SaaS 公司

公司创立至今已超过 10 年 我们的主要产品包括 ManageBac 和 OpenApply,为全球 2 千多家顶尖国际学校提供服务,是这一领域的行业领先者。在国内已经有 100 多家顶级的国际学校使用我们的产品。

我们在全球多地设有开发办公室,包括美国,英国,乌克兰,台北等。Faria 也是多届国内 Ruby 大会的金牌赞助商

Faria 国外业务收入稳定、国内正在大发展中,今年在上海新开设了办公室,用以为国内的客户提供完全本地化的服务。我们急需人才,期待你的加入!

1. Rails 工程师 (Senior Rails Engineer) 15k - 35k

a. Role description 工作内容:

This is a high-level, full-time, development position in our new Shanghai office. We expect you to be able to contribute to the development of high-quality software solutions with minimal guidance. You should already be familiar with web development using Ruby on Rails, and have experience using and creating complex solutions. You will need the ability to quickly learn and maintain a mature codebase. We also value high-quality UI/UX work that matches our emphasis on customer service.

b. Responsibilities 工作职责:

  • Successfully drive the internationalization of OpenApply for the Chinese market, with specific attention to database and other backend issues.
  • Integrate with China-specific APIs from other services.
  • Support Chinese customers in their use of OpenApply as needed by our S&S organisation.
  • Troubleshoot functionality issues, suggest and implement solutions.
  • Assist our DevOps team with administration of servers in China.
  • Work effectively as part of a worldwide, remote-first team.

c. Requirements 具备以下技能:

  • Minimum of 4+ years writing web applications in Ruby on Rails. Rails 5 experience a plus.
  • Good working knowledge of Ruby and JavaScript.
  • Experience with source code control via Git and GitHub.
  • Experience with code quality and continuous integration tools.
  • Experience with work as part of a global team.

d. Benefits 福利:

  • Salary negotiable
  • Company-supplied laptop (Retina MacBook Pro or other)
  • Desk space in our Shanghai office is available if desired
  • Books ("unlimited within reason") and conference attendance budget. We expect you to have a plan for professional development.
  • Company office with remote connectivity


mimosa [上海][2017年06月20日] Ruby 聚会召集 提及了此话题。 06月09日 18:42




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