线下活动 [Demo Day] A Graduation Party for Batch #61, Le Wagon Shanghai

thibault · 2017年03月22日 · 最后由 thibault 回复于 2017年03月26日 · 1770 次阅读



不是所有人在大学时期都有机会学习计算机科学,他们也许学习了其他科目(也一样是很棒的学科):经济法律医药市场营销时尚设计......都前途光明。但在 2017 年的今天,他们所缺乏一样我们(Ruby 程序员)所具有的东西:

  • 把握住当前数码变革的能力,因为这场变革正在改变所有的工种和行业
  • 创造能够解决实际需求的有意义的网页服务以及移动端产品的技能

这就是我们选择中国 🇨🇳来开展这种新式培训项目的原因,中国是世界上改变速度最快,联系最紧密的国家。

我们是 Le Wagon.

一个以 Ruby 为主,针对非科技背景人群的编程集训营。对于有才华的,迫切想要做出精美产品的创业者们来说,这里就是他们的科技加速器。中国是当今世界上的创新中心(新硅谷?),2017 年二月份我们 Le Wagon 上海团队迎来了一组专业背景多元的学员。我们的导师都是创业公司 CTO——大部分人带领着 Ruby on Rails 的团队,能教会天资聪颖的学员们如何在短时间内最大限度地提高成品产出比。


  • 平均年龄:31
  • 国籍数量:8
  • 训练总时长:360
  • 实战次数:250

我们涵盖的 Ruby 概念:

DRY objects variables methods conventions classes flow ternary operators conditions loops arrays iterators blocks yield hash symbols json regex parsing scraping instances public/private interface inheritance self class methods stack queue...

我们使用的 Gems:

Nokogiri pry-byebug activerecord faker middleman font-awesome-sass bootstrap-sass bootstrap-datepicker rails better_errors binding_of_caller simple_form autoprefixer-rail figaro cloudinary carrierwave attachinary coffee-rails devise geocoder letter_opener gibbon pundit rails-i18n wechat ...



  1. TurtleCamp: 管理你的大学申请!
  2. aibee: 探索爱好,分享热情!
  3. WedTale: 分享你的婚礼故事!

Ruby 庆功会

学员们在 2 个月内获得的成就,以及作为新手在完全陌生的科技世界中深入探索时展现出来的勇气,都让我们感到非常自豪。他们现在已经具备了用 Ruby 将自己的任何产品概念付诸代码的能力!


为了庆祝本届学员集训营旅程的告一段落 (也是作为 Ruby 程序员新生活的开始 ;) !) 我们特此向 上海所有的 Ruby 程序员们发出诚挚邀请,来参加 Le Wagon 的 展示日活动 🎉 经过两周的疯狂冲刺,从前端到后端的开发,建立在Rails上的三个产品原型将首次得到呈现!


中国创造万岁,Ruby 万岁! ❤️

When business people learn Ruby to change their lives

Code is the new alphabet

Not everyone had the opportunity to study computer sciences at university. They may have learned other topics (and great ones too): finance law medicine marketing fashion design... All fantastic disciplines. But in 2017, they do miss one thing we (Rubyists) have:

  • the ability to leverage on the digital revolution, currently transforming all jobs and industries
  • the skills to build meaningful web services and mobile products to answer real needs.

That's why we started a new type of training program in China 🇨🇳 the most connected and fast changing country in the World.

We are Le Wagon.

A Ruby-focused intensive training center for all the non-tech people left behind. A tech acceleration for talented entrepreneurs eager to build beautiful things. As the Middle Kingdom is today the world heart of innovation (new silicon valley?), our Shanghai-based crew welcomed a group of students in February and March 2017. They all are from very diverse backgrounds. Because we are CTOs - leading teams of Ruby on Rails for the most - we have taught these smart trainees how to deliver the most in a very short amount of time.

Some stats:

  • Average Age: 31
  • Nationalities: 8
  • Total hours: 360
  • Exercises: 250

Ruby notions we covered:

DRY objects variables methods conventions classes flow ternary operators conditions loops arrays iterators blocks yield hash symbols json regex parsing scraping instances public/private interface inheritance self class methods stack queue...

Gems we used:

Nokogiri pry-byebug activerecord faker middleman font-awesome-sass bootstrap-sass bootstrap-datepicker rails better_errors binding_of_caller simple_form autoprefixer-rail figaro cloudinary carrierwave attachinary coffee-rails devise geocoder letter_opener gibbon pundit rails-i18n wechat ...

Mentors introduction:


  1. TurtleCamp: Manage your college applications!
  2. aibee: Explore a hobby, share your passion!
  3. WedTale: Share your wedding story!

Ruby celebration

We're very proud of all the achievements in only 2 months time, and the great courage these tech noobies demonstrated to deep dive into a totally foreign tech world. They now have the ability to code in Ruby any product idea they may have!


To celebrate the end of their journey (and the beginning of their new Rubyist lives ;) !) we sincerely invite all Rubyists in Shanghai to join us for Le Wagon DEMO DAY 🎉 3 prototypes built on Rails will be showcased to the world for the first time, after a 2-week crazy sprint to ship everything. From front-end to back-end!

👉Click here to read the details of this event.

Long live Chinese innovation, long live Ruby! ❤️

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