leet 很好实现,但是 unleet 有些像 hash 的逆向,不知道能做到 100% 不?
A ruby gem that convert string to leet or unleet it.
Every leet code only has a source char for unleet.
Thanks to the leet table on wikipedia.
gem install leet
$ leet "I Love Ruby!"
$ 3y3 [_<>\|& /2(_)13\|/!
$ leet -u '3y3 [_<>\|& /2(_)13\|/!'
$ i lovg rubwi
require 'leet'
puts "I Love Ruby!".leet
#=> j 1_p\/|=- .-L|/3`/!
puts "j 1_p\/|=- .-L|/3`/!".unleet
#=> i lo rubyi