Ruby 判断 Rails partial 中变量是否定义的正确姿势

qinfanpeng · 2015年12月09日 · 最后由 qinfanpeng 回复于 2016年01月12日 · 3411 次阅读

判断 Rails partial 中变量是否定义的正确姿势

假设最初我们引入了一个 Rails partial,内含feature-one:

# app/views/shared/_feature_partial.erb
# ...
<section class='feature-one'>
 This is the feature one
# ...

然后,很多地方都用到了这个 partial,类似于这样:

<%= render 'shared/feature_partial' %>
# 或这样
<%= render partial: 'shared/feature_partial' %>

突然有一天来了个新需求:也需要用到 feature_partial,但是不在需要其中的feature-one了。于是我们决定对feature_partial做如下改动:

# app/views/shared/_feature_partial.erb
# ...
<%- need_feature_one  = true unless defined? need_feature_one >
<%- if need_feature_one %>
   <section class='feature-one'>
     This is the feature one
<%- end %>
# ...

首先,上面的need_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one不能写成这样need_feature_one ||= true或这样need_feature_one = true unless need_feature_one,这应该无需多言。现在看起来完美了:对于feature_partial以前的引用无需做任何修改(修改最小化),功能便照样完好;对于新引用,若不需要feature-one,在引用的时候将need_feature_one设置为 false 即可,类似于下面这样:

<%= render 'shared/feature_partial', need_feature_one: false %>
# 或这样
<%= render partial: 'shared/feature_partial', locals: {need_feature_one: false} %>

若故事到此结束,那本文就完全没存在的必要了。事实证明,对于feature_partial以前的引用,need_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one返回的永远都是nil,意外吧?要了解其中原委,还得从两方面说起:

通常而言,Ruby 中以问号结尾的方法都返回 true/false,如 (respond_to?、start_with?等),然而defined?这货却并非如此,例证如下:

>> a = 1
 => 1
>> defined? a
 => "local-variable"
>> defined? b
 => nil
>> defined? nil
 => "nil"
>> defined? String
 => "constant"
>> defined? 1
 => "expression"
>> @c = 2 
>> defined? @c
 => "instance-variable"

看起来,defined?这货返回的是对应变量的类型,对于没定义的变量返回的是 nil。但这还是解释不了为啥need_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one总返回nil阿。

若没提前定义need_feature_oneneed_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one永远返回nil,不妨假设:在进行defined? need_feature_one判断时,Ruby 已经为这种一行形式语法定义了名为need_feature_one的变量,默认值为nil;所以在进行defined? need_feature_one判断时因need_feature_one已经定义,所以need_feature_one = true一直没得到执行。下面来窥探一下其编译版本,验证一下我们的想法:

puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("need_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one").disassemble
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>==========
local table (size: 2, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 2] need_feature_one
0000 trace            1                                               (   1)
0002 putnil                            
0003 putobject        "local-variable" # defined? need_feature_one 返回 "local-variable",进一步说明此时 need_feature_one已定义
0005 swap
0006 pop
0007 branchunless     12               # 若defined?条件为false,则跳转至第12行
0009 putnil
0010 leave
0011 pop
0012 putobject        true             # 第12行在此
0014 dup
0015 setlocal_OP__WC__0 2
0017 leave
=> nil

抛开其他细节不谈,这里出现了“local-variable”,由前面对defined?的特性的了解可知,这是已定义本地变量的输出,说明在进行unless defined? need_feature_one判断时need_feature_one已定义,因而可以佐证我们的假设。关于 Ruby 编译、解析相关知识详见:Ruby 是如何解释运行程序的,欲知上面每条指令(YARV instruction)的意思,请期待《Ruby 原理剖析》。


require 'ripper'
require 'pp'

pp Ripper.sexp("need_feature_one = true unless defined? need_feature_one")

 # unless修饰符
   # defined? 条件判断,注意这里的:var_ref,可认为是变量引用,大致可说明此时need_feature_one已经定义。
   [:defined, [:var_ref, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 40]]]],
    [:var_field, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 0]]],
    # 将need_feature_one赋值为true。
    [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 19]]]]]]]
=> [:program, [[:unless_mod, [:defined, [:var_ref, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 40]]]], [:assign, [:var_field, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 0]]], [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [1, 19]]]]]]]



<%- unless defined? need_feature_one %>
 need_feature_one = true
<%- end %>


puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("unless defined? need_feature_one \n need_feature_one = true \n end").disassemble
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>==========
== catch table
| catch type: rescue st: 0003 ed: 0008 sp: 0000 cont: 0010
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:defined guard in <compiled>@<compiled>>
0000 putnil
0001 leave
local table (size: 2, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])
[ 2] need_feature_one
0000 trace            1                                               (   1)
0002 putnil
0003 putself
0004 defined          17, :need_feature_one, true
0008 swap
0009 pop
0010 branchunless     15
0012 putnil
0013 leave
0014 pop
0015 trace            1                                               (   2)
0017 putobject        true
0019 dup
0020 setlocal_OP__WC__0 2
0022 leave
=> nil

对比发现,这个编译版本不再有先前那样的“local-variable”了,说明在进行unless defined? need_feature_one判断时,need_feature_one尚未定义。


require 'ripper'
require 'pp'

pp Ripper.sexp("unless defined? need_feature_one \n need_feature_one = true \n end")

   # defined?条件判断,注意此处是:vcall,而非先前的:var_ref,vcall代表Ruby还未识别出这里调用的need_feature_one是一个变量还是一个方法;而var_ref表明此时已经识别出是一个变量。大致可说明此时need_feature_one尚未定义。
   [:defined, [:vcall, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 16]]]],
     [:var_field, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [2, 1]]],
     [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [2, 20]]]]],
=> [:program, [[:unless, [:defined, [:vcall, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [1, 16]]]], [[:assign, [:var_field, [:@ident, "need_feature_one", [2, 1]]], [:var_ref, [:@kw, "true", [2, 20]]]]], nil]]]

但 Ruby/Rails 如此优雅的存在,肯定有更优雅的解决方案。比如下面这样:

# 还行
need_feature_one = true unless local_assigns.has_key? :need_feature_one

# 好
need_feature_one = local_assigns.fetch(:need_feature_one, true)
# 或
need_feature_one = local_assigns.fetch(:need_feature_one) { true }

# 更好
# ... 等你来发现。

关于fetch两种用法的区别,可查阅《Confident Ruby》


看起来,带条件修饰符的变量赋值语句,Ruby 都会为其先赋值为 nil,然后进行条件判断,若条件满足,再进行第二次赋值操作。


If you need to check for the presence of a certain local variable in a partial, you need to do it by checking the local_assigns hash that is part of every template. Using defined? variable won’t work due to limitations of the rendering system.

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