瞎扯淡 关于-ist

wushexu · 2015年07月24日 · 最后由 wushexu 回复于 2015年07月24日 · 1972 次阅读

我们知道 Rubyist 是有严格限定的,不是随便一个用 Ruby 的都可以称 Rubyist 的。 Clojure 的 Clojurist 就没有什么讲究,一个初学者都是 Clojurist 了。 有-ist 叫法的其他语言,还有没有比较讲究的?


Noun Rubyist (plural Rubyists)

A user of the Ruby programming language.

2007, Topher Cyll, Practical Ruby Projects: Ideas for the Eclectic Programmer (page 2) Why do Rubyists choose Ruby? Probably because it gets their work done. But I suspect that the project culture is part of it. 2011, Matt Aimonetti, MacRuby: The Definitive Guide: Ruby and Cocoa on OS X (page 14) By convention, Rubyists usually underscore their method names.

By matz:

A rubyist regards him/herself more than a customer to Ruby. For example:

recommending Ruby to colleagues,
editing FAQs of Ruby,
opening a BBS on Ruby,
writing a Ruby book,
mailing to the author of Ruby to encourage,
the author of Ruby ^^;;;

On the other hand, let's call those who show high technical level on Ruby as Ruby hackers. For example:

writing an extension module of Ruby,
writing patches to fix Ruby bugs,
writing Ruby transports to djgpp or win32,
writing a useful (and considerably large) program in Ruby,
writing an obfuscated script in Ruby,
the author of Ruby ^^;;;

看来没有人把 matz 的话当回事呀:)

http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/189107/when-can-one-call-themselves-a-rubyist 里面最后一位仁兄跟我的理解是一样的 I don't think "Rubyist" is a synonym for "Ruby programmer".

#4 楼 @wushexu 然而最后一位仁兄的发言并非 accepted answer

#5 楼 @blacktulip 这个投票太少也不能说明什么,当然现在也可能认同他的占大多数了 若干年前不是现在这样的,分清楚的人还是多一些,认为 Rubyist 应该是社区中人,为社区出力的 当然语言这个东西,得大家认同才行,如果所有人都认为 Rubyist=Ruby programmer,你反对也是没用

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