招聘 [上海] PwC 普华永道 SDC 诚聘各类 IT 精英 (软件开发,技术主管,项目经理,业务咨询师统统要)

bao1018 · 2015年06月10日 · 最后由 dreamrise 回复于 2015年07月30日 · 4816 次阅读

公司介绍:PwC 普华永道 SDC,不用多介绍了,四大之首,具体介绍见百度


#招聘计划: 20-30 名开发人员 5-10 名技术主管,项目经理,咨询师

#职位要求 (开发/技术主管) 1.熟悉 ruby/java/python 等任何一种面向对象的编程语言,具备良好的编程基础,追求代码质量;

  1. 半年以上 HTML, Javascript, JQuery 经验
  2. 能熟练阅读英文技术文档;富有团队精神,责任感和沟通能力(技术主管需具备熟练的英语听说能力)
  3. 拥有 geek 精神者优先考虑,熟悉以下工具/技术者优先考虑:AngularJS, Git, Redis, MongoDB, Postgres,Neo4j, Resque, Sidekiq 注:1) 该开发职位比较看重应聘者的学习能力,所以欢迎刚毕业的同学来尝试

#职位要求 (项目经理)

  1. Responsible for leading the design, development, delivery and maintenance of software application.
  2. Evaluate and select alternative technical solutions for identified requirement
  3. Work with onshore team to clarify business needs into product features, acting as a bridge between business and technical domains.
  4. Resolve technical issues and provide technical support. Provide technical guidance and assistance to other software engineers.
  5. Responsible for process deployment.
  6. Prepare staffing plan & allotment of resources.
  7. Achieve on time and quality project deliverables within budget.
  8. Improve customer relations by way of effective communication, managing expectation and meeting commitments.

薪资范围(根据能力以及工作年限) 工程师: 基本月薪:8k - 14k,全年 13 薪,奖金另算,

技术主管/咨询师: 基本月薪:14k - 22k,全年 13 薪,奖金另算,

项目经理: 基本月薪:22k - 30k,全年 13 薪水,奖金另算


其他福利:15 天带薪年假 +12 天带薪病假,公司加 5 金 1 险(公司出个人月薪的 6% 作为补充养老金),以及健康保险(自己或者家人看病发生的费用除医保支付外都可以另外报销) 每周多次健身活动(包场的羽毛球,篮球,游泳,瑜伽等),每年还有旅游。

当然我们的待遇在市场上不算最好的,也没有富裕的妹子资源,但是大公司毕竟稳定各方面也很完善,对该职位感兴趣的同学请将简历 (英语简历为佳) 发送到 [email protected]


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) US's Advisory Shanghai Service Delivery Center (SDC) is the natural extension of PwC's leading-class global delivery capabilities. Our highly skilled resources assist with software development, ERP programming development, application integration and support and maintenance services. SDC Shanghai provides premium, cost effective, high quality technology services for projects based in the United States and global clients focused on key horizontal and vertical end-to-end solutions.

Our US-owned SDCs are critical to PwC's success in the marketplace; in our business landscape a Global Delivery Model has become a competitive necessity. An essential and strategic part of Advisory's multi-sourced, multi-geography Global Delivery Model, the Shanghai SDC is a dynamic, rapidly growing component of our business and has achieved remarkable results in process quality and delivery capability, resulting in a loyal customer base and a reputation for excellence.

PM 果然是全能的

20-30 名开发人员....这么多

貌似贵公司 妹子资源不少,每次来我们这审计都一大群。

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