分享 Ruby 本色 — 31 篇深入理解 Ruby 的博文

juanito · 2015年06月01日 · 最后由 he4112043 回复于 2015年06月03日 · 4139 次阅读

About Idiosyncratic Ruby Ruby is not only optimized for developer happiness, but also for writing one-liners and it is still one of the top choices for code golfers. Ruby's grammar definition is more than 10000 lines long and there is no editor or syntax highlighter that actually highlights Ruby correctly. A lot of them already fail at highlighting strings not created with the usual quotes syntax, but with one of the more than 100 other ways. But: IDIOSYNCRATIC != BAD

  1. Test Highlights
  2. Ruby String Magic
  3. Ruby, Can You Speak Louder?
  4. What the Pack?
  5. Constant Shadows
  6. Run Ruby, Run!
  7. Easier Switching
  8. Self Improvement
  9. Globalization
  10. Know your Environment
  11. Regular Extremism
  12. More Inspections
  13. Slicing Rubies
  14. Meeting some Locals
  15. 207 Ways to Rome
  16. Changing the Rules
  17. Stream Editing
  18. Con-Struct Attributes
  19. Symbolic Reservations
  20. Better Standards
  21. Uniform Resource Matching
  22. Literate Ruby
  23. Ruby Lookalikes
  24. Goto Fail
  25. Meta Methodology
  26. File Encoding Magic
  27. Golfing Basics
  28. Operating Nothing
  29. Limitations of Language
  30. Regex with Class
  31. Roots of Rubyism



#2 楼 @i5ting 弱弱地问一句,这是干嘛的啊?

👍 第一篇就很有意思

:plus1: :plus1:


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