Ruby 如何看待 rubyspec 停止开发?

foxzool · 2015年03月09日 · 最后由 hbin 回复于 2015年03月30日 · 2841 次阅读

At the time (around version 1.8.3-4), MRI had almost no tests

是我理解错了吗?Ruby 1.8 的时候还没有写测试的?

matz 不想让 ruby 语言标准化? 不需要 spec, unit test 就是 spec? MRI unit tests are the spec.

可是 js, java 都有 spec 啊,为何 ruby 不行?

Instead of contributing to RubySpec, the MRI developers write their own tests. That is their choice to make. 为何 rubyspec 的作者不参与 mri unit tests,把测试写的完善一些呢?

When I first began contributing to Rubinius in late 2006, I knew two things: I wanted Rubinius to be successful, and I wanted it to accurately reflect MRI behavior so that developers could simply switch to Rubinius to run their Ruby programs. At the time (around version 1.8.3-4), MRI had almost no tests.

作者想凭一己之力战胜 MRI team 和 matz,太辛苦了. 不过还是有成效的,mri 意识到代码可靠性的重要,并引入了单元测试

#1 楼 @chiangdi 如何确认这一点呢? 不过 brain 的话应该是可信的吧?


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