招聘 [北京] e-Accent: We're hiring Ruby on Rails developer!

eaccent · 2015年03月07日 · 最后由 eaccent 回复于 2015年04月05日 · 2414 次阅读

Job Description

As one of our Developers or Senior Developers, you’ll build complex web applications to solve real commercial and practical problems for our clients. In many cases, the code you write will be absolutely critical to the successful operation of the client’s business.

All our code is peer-reviewed to ensure quality, and we take a very structured approach to managing projects. We take great pride in doing the best work we possibly can.

At the same time, the atmosphere in our company is friendly, nurturing and supportive, with no room for big egos.

We appreciate that good ideas can come from anywhere, and we also expect everyone to give and receive feedback in a constructive way.

Skills & Requirements

  • Developing code in Ruby on Rails, HTML5, jQuery, Coffeescript
  • Revision control, git
  • Application deployment, Capistrano

Salary: 6k ~ 16k

About E-accent

E-accent is a small, first-hour Ruby on Rails team with people working in four countries, aiming to bring light in the darkness of corporate software. Our projects tend to be large, complex and interesting.

We were founded in 2005, with a base in the Netherlands and a development hub in China. Our customers are in the US, Europe, and China.

Our core team works in China, the Netherlands, the US and Australia. We are supported by a well-established network of trusted freelancers in the UK, the US and the Netherlands.

We extend our core team with members of our freelance network as required, project by project.

We were one of the first five companies in the world to adopt Ruby on Rails as our only development framework, and the very first in China.

In 2007, we won the Netherlands E-work Award for the best distance-working organization. We have been featured in Quote, Bizz and IT Executive.


e-Accent [email protected]

You can also apply on Stack Overflow!

At present, our office in Beijing is at Jianwai SOHO, Chaoyang District.


3 楼 已删除


#4 楼 @hooooopo 取决于你住在哪儿。要是住在通州,就比在国贸还方便了。


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