书籍 买了本书, 作者一直不发货怎么办呢......

onemagicant · 2014年08月05日 · 最后由 Rei 回复于 2014年08月05日 · 2742 次阅读

http://www.jstorimer.com/products/working-with-ruby-threads 上面买了本,作者一直不给我下载连接..... 发邮件也没有回应,咋办......................

他很久才看邮件的,我 4 月份给他写过邮件,他 6 月才回。另外推特他也不活跃了。我想他是在享受生活,没时间处理这个。

截取 Jesse 的邮件回复:

In terms of my online contributions, I think of this like the pendulum swinging. For a couple of years I did a lot of writing books, articles, etc, went to some conferences and spent most of my free time working on all things related to my books + biz. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way and I'm spending a lot less of my personal time working on those projects. I am working on exciting new projects, but it's offline, family-related stuff rather than new books. Maybe the pendulum will swing back in time :)

#2 楼 @gonglexin 享受生活.......国外程序员好欢乐


  1. 难道不是自动发货?让他用 SelfStore 吧。
  2. 为啥不到 Pragmatic Bookshelf 上买,即时发货,而且还便宜 $10。

#7 楼 @andor_chen 我也奇怪呢,就是没有收到邮件,他发给我的邮件说很快有一封带有下载连接的邮件会发给我的.....郁闷,下次去 Pragmatic Bookshelf 买,这次坑了......


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