招聘 [Wellington] New Zealand Company needs 5 Ruby On Rails Developers (Still valid)

pengfeichen83 · 2014年05月08日 · 最后由 michael_roshen 回复于 2014年07月22日 · 4910 次阅读

Sorry for writing this in English because this position would require to work in New Zealand as a pure English environment.

Currently a great New Zealand company is looking for several Ruby On Rails developers, from intermediate to senior level.

What you need for this role; You need at least 2 years of Ruby or commercial Java experience Good English speaking/reading/writing skill, which at least enough to understand your team member and express your ideas. It would be ideal if you have personal project or other portfolios (github/bitbucket/blog/website)

What you care about; Working hard with smart, passionate people solving tricky problems Delivering value quickly using Scrum and frequent deploys Producing beautiful and bulletproof code through testing and code-review Working directly with the business to build the right thing Programming in a great language

Here’s why you want to work here; A relaxed work environment, with music, pool table, table tennis, decent coffee, beer and fruit. You'll work with smart, passionate people on complex work. This is a stable job in a growing company that feels more like a startup than a power company. We work directly with our business owners. Check out our codewall and github. You'll spend 10% of your time working on projects that you prioritise and don't need to relate to our business. We'll build your career quickly as our team is growing fast. We pay at the top end of the market. We are happy to provide New Zealand work visa sponsorship if you are the right person we are looking for.

A bit about The Company This New Zealand company is the world’s first online shop for electricity. They worked hard to turn the industry on its head and have built a company that people don't like but actually love. You don't get to remake electricity retailing from the ground up by employing cynics or clock-watchers. They look for people who give a sh*t (we would like to use the real word here but Seek tell us we are a bit naughty) about what they do.

Want to know more If you want to know more, then feel free to email me at [email protected] or add my skype peng-fei.chen to talk about more details. I would like be friend with you guys even without this recruitment. My name is Pengfei and I am a iOS/Java developer working in Wellington. I am trying to help our great Chinese developer friends to move to New Zealand. And I will assist you to win the job in every possible way.

Basing on the New Zealand policy, the whole family (your wife, children) would be able to come together with you if you can get the work visa.

Well, it seems great! Is immigration possible?

#1 楼 @shangrenzhidao “We are happy to provide New Zealand work visa sponsorship if you are the right person we are looking for.”

Read the thing.

#1 楼 @shangrenzhidao Yeah, at this moment software engineering is one of the long-term shortage areas in New Zealand and government provides very good policy to support IT guys. As a Software Developers if we can get a job offer from a New Zealand company(work visa first), then it would be very simple to immigrate to NZ permanent residensy (PR). Besides, software developers avarage salary is 2 or 3 times as much as other normal areas' salay in New Zealand.


#2 楼 @blacktulip Oh, I am ignorant! I have no ideas about the work visa, and I thought it just could allow someone work there but his nationality is still original.

Sounds Terrific!

Do you have any idea about the robotics automation in NZ ?

#4 楼 @karmue 薪资根据 developer 经验等级有不同范围。这个岗位的年薪,intermediate:70K ~ 80K NZD, senior:80K ~ 120K NZD,目前 1 NZD = 5.4 RMB。当然新西兰税率比较高,有接近 30% 的税。但我相信薪资只是重要因素之一,如果能抓到这个机会,走出国门,后面会有更多更好的机会

#5 楼 @shangrenzhidao NZ 的移民政策是可以自由选择,通常是先拿工作签证,到了 NZ 工作一段时间可以申请永久居留权 PR,申请到 PR 再呆满两年 PR 就转为永久有效,这是即使离开 NZ,PR 一样有效,随时可以回来享受福利。PR 之后如果再呆 3 年,就可以申请新西兰国籍。当然这都是个人自由选择。我本人就没有打算变更国籍:)

#6 楼 @brucebot Sorry I didn't know much about this area so far.

现在 nz 工资有这么高了吗?看来得回去看看了。另外你说的是 dicksmith 吧

待遇什么的肯定比国内舒服多了。关键是 PR 政策太好了,不到三年就是永住。程序员们带着女朋友出来生娃玩啊,宝宝直接 nz 国籍了以后教育什么的都很有优势。我们自己出生没得选,给我们的娃一个选择的机会吧,别让他直接 hard 模式

cool, do you have any job for pythonist and front end developer?

#14 楼 @lepture hi Python is also a popular and needed skill in NZ. I can comtact you if I find any good opportunity.

#11 楼 @zhex hi. Dicksmith 是一家电器销售连锁店吧?这个工作不是 Dicksmith,是一家电力供应商

#13 楼 @Yujing_Z :)你说的太好啦

匿名 #18 2014年05月11日

I'm in.


#19 楼 @pengfeichen83 how to contact you to send the resume

i'm an chinese communist party, is that ok?

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