Ruby 再回顾一遍 Ruby Gotchas

tumayun · 2014年04月29日 · 最后由 tumayun 回复于 2014年04月30日 · 2598 次阅读
  • and / or is NOT the same as && / ||
  • super is NOT the same as super()
  • Your exception must not be an Exception
  • class Foo::Bar is NOT the same as module Foo; class Bar
  • Most bang! methods return nil when they do nothing
  • attribute=(value) method always returns passed value, regardless of method return value
  • private will NOT make your self.method private


精华帖泛滥了已经 以前都明确要求原创的啊



呀 被加精有取消了?只是分享下,精不精华无所谓啦

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