我根据 Justin.tv 上的两部分视频制作了这个视频(做了剪辑和合并),提供给无法现场以及观看 Justin.tv 的同学。
剧透一点里面的 keynote
Splitting up functions to support the testing process [destroys] your system architecture and code comprehension along with it. Test at a coarser level of granularity. -- James Coplien "Why Most Unit Testing is Waste"
I got paid for code that works, not for tests, so my philosophy is to test as little as possible to reach a given level of confidence. -- Kent Beck
I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. -- Mark Twain
和一点点笔记 Software writer, not a software engineer. Open your eye to read and write and rewrite. How to improve your code? The delete key.
TDD 被黑出翔了。
TDD is most successful software diet in all time
但 DHH 不反对测试,只是反对以单元测试来驱动开发的 TDD。
PS: 视频只有前 2 分钟没声音,后面无恙。
我接触的项目是需求不固定,时间很少,如果再采用 tdd 是找死,估计你的软件还没有开发出来,客户的需求就变了。因此我关注功能是否实现,代码覆盖滤我很少关心。