RJS 简单易于理解,但我认为可维护性与安全性有一些问题。不过 DHH 非常推荐,BaseCamp 80% 的 JS 用的这个。
ps: 据我在深圳的 Ruby 圈子了解,70% 左右的 Rails 开发人员使用 Cient Javscript, 20% 使用 RJS, 10% 使用前端 MVC, 如 BackBone.js 等
本质上,其实都是执行 JS 代码。
如果用了 RJS,虽然说,能够很方便地直接根据逻辑然后执行相关的 JS 代码, 但是这样会把原本应该在同个地方的代码拆分出来了。 你要看什么逻辑,还必须得到模板里去看, 这个跟把代码逻辑直接全部交由前端 JS 代码还是有区别的, 逻辑不会太多还好,逻辑要是多了,那代码阅读起来就比较困难了,更别说维护代码了。
好像升级到 4.1,get 返回 RJS 也是安全的了:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
For Rails 4.1: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/13345
Since we don't know the response format until rendering, it's simplest to use an after_action to verify that we aren't serving JS to a non-XHR GET request.
This piggybacks on the same protect_from_forgery
declarations that
apps already use, so they'll transparently get protection without
changing anything.
Apps that intentionally expose JavaScript responses (like third-party
widgets, per-customer API embeds, etc) will need to exclude those
actions using existing protect_from_forgery
Thanks everyone for the (long) discussion and thanks to Egor for the initial report - months ago now! - and this reminder.
#12 楼 @simlegate 我的理解是:
<% link_to '求戳我', lovely_path(:format => :js), :remote => true, :method => :post, :id => 'to-be-deleted' %>
所对应的 controller 就会根据这个 request 来 ajax 返回 js。
在 view 里面应该是:
然后这个 element 就会被删除了。
假如说(稍微复杂一点,你是想改变那个 link 里面的字),那对应的 view 里面就会是:
$('#to-be-deleted').text('<%=j @message_you_want_to_update %>');