These are my commonly used Ruby on Rails productivity tools.
- Sass. It is a mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language
- Compass. It is a Sass based CSS Framework. It’s chock full of the web’s best reusable patterns.
- CoffeeScript. It is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. It is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
- slim. A productivity rails view template.
- gon. Make tucking ruby objects to javascript codes easy.
- font-awesome. It is a free icon fonts library.
###Command tools
- pry. It is powerful debug tool and console for ruby.
- zeus. It can speed up rails commands. run "nohup zeus start &" before you use it.
- spring. It can speed up ruby commands, too. You can run 'spring' check out how to use spring run ruby commands. Usually, you only need to add spring before original command.
- commands. Qucikly run Rake/Rails commands through the console.
- better_errors. It is a powerful debug tool for rails application, you can debug rails application when it appear bug in browser.
- quiet_assets. It can hide needless information from rails log.
- simple_form. Use to reduce form codes in rails view.