分享 Ruby on Rails Productivty tools

whitecrow · 2014年04月07日 · 最后由 DeathKing 回复于 2014年04月07日 · 2499 次阅读

我的原文地址:http://liusihao.com/post/81891584873/ruby-on-rails-productivty-tools 抛砖引玉,大家也来推荐一些提高生产力的工具。

These are my commonly used Ruby on Rails productivity tools.


  1. Sass. It is a mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language
  2. Compass. It is a Sass based CSS Framework. It’s chock full of the web’s best reusable patterns.
  3. CoffeeScript. It is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. It is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
  4. slim. A productivity rails view template.
  5. gon. Make tucking ruby objects to javascript codes easy.
  6. font-awesome. It is a free icon fonts library.

###Command tools

  1. pry. It is powerful debug tool and console for ruby.
  2. zeus. It can speed up rails commands. run "nohup zeus start &" before you use it.
  3. spring. It can speed up ruby commands, too. You can run 'spring' check out how to use spring run ruby commands. Usually, you only need to add spring before original command.
  4. commands. Qucikly run Rake/Rails commands through the console.


  1. better_errors. It is a powerful debug tool for rails application, you can debug rails application when it appear bug in browser.
  2. quiet_assets. It can hide needless information from rails log.
  3. simple_form. Use to reduce form codes in rails view.
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