新手问题 这个挺赞 Graphic overview of Library 怎么实现的?

hightian · 2014年03月02日 · 最后由 u1426730849 回复于 2015年03月19日 · 1735 次阅读

Gem: Spreadsheet 的 README.md 里看到一个Graphic overview of Library, 很赞,列出了 gem 中 Class 及继承关系。



#1 楼 @mimosa RailRoad has been tested with Ruby 1.8.5 and Rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.3 applications. There is no additional requirements (nevertheless, all your Rails application requirements must be installed).

Ruby on Rails 3/4 model and controller UML class diagram generator. Originally based on the 'railroad' plugin and contributions of many others. (sudo port install graphviz before use!)

graphviz, dot 命令!

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