Manage translations in ruby applications with the awesome power of static analysis
$ rake -T | grep i18n
rake i18n:add_missing[placeholder] # add placeholder for missing values to the base locale (default: key.humanize)
rake i18n:fill:base_value[locales] # copy base locale values for all untranslated keys to locales (default: all non-base)
rake i18n:fill:blanks[locales] # add "" values for missing and untranslated keys to locales (default: all)
rake i18n:fill:google_translate[locales] # add Google Translated values for untranslated keys to locales (default: all non-base)
rake i18n:missing[locales] # show missing translations
rake i18n:missing:blank[locales] # keys that exist in base locale but are blank in passed locales
rake i18n:missing:eq_base[locales] # keys present but with value same as in base locale
rake i18n:missing:not_in_base # keys present in code but not existing in base locale data
rake i18n:normalize[locales] # normalize translation data: sort and move to the right files
rake i18n:remove_unused[locales] # remove unused keys
rake i18n:spreadsheet_report[path] # save missing and unused translations to an Excel file
rake i18n:unused # show unused translations