部署 rvm rvmrc to .ruby-version (已经解决)

leslin123 · 2014年01月18日 · 最后由 jimneylee 回复于 2014年01月20日 · 3456 次阅读
rvm rvmrc to .ruby-version
You are using '.rvmrc', it requires trusting, it is slower and it is not compatible with other ruby managers,
you can switch to '.ruby-version' using 'rvm rvmrc to [.]ruby-version'
or ignore this warning with 'rvm rvmrc warning ignore /data/wwwsite/ruby-china/.rvmrc',
'.rvmrc' will continue to be the default project file in RVM 1 and RVM 2,
to ignore the warning for all files run 'rvm rvmrc warning ignore all.rvmrcs'.

Could not load .rvmrc

设置 rvm 时碰到上面问题,记录一下: 先手动切换到需要的 ruby version, rvm use 2.1.0@rails402 rvm --create --ruby-version use 2.1.0@rails402


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