产品控 The new Basecamp has launched!

lainuo · 2012年03月06日 · 最后由 iwinux 回复于 2012年03月08日 · 3456 次阅读

Client Side JavaScript 很重..

那个 JS 有 727K, 发现 Backbone...


为什么我这里还是旧版。。我也收到邮件了啊。。打开没找到有 backbone 那个 js。。

@cqpx 邮件里有写呢.... 要切到新版本才会有那个 JS 加进来

If you're a current Basecamp customer, please review these FAQs if you'd like to copy your projects over to the new Basecamp: http://basecamp.com/transition and http://basecamp.com/transition-steps



url 里怎么没有#了。。难道用了 pjax?

#3 楼 @cqpx http://codecampo.com/topics/84 HTML5,让 Ajax 改变 URL 且支持后退


@cqpx Backbone 早就支持 pushState 了呀~~~

遇到 Bug 了,QQ 输入法导致浏览器崩溃...

原来这才是 pushState。。以前我一直以为 pushState 就是能把#的变化加入到浏览器历史里。。 惭愧。。

新版貌似不能免费用了,只能用 45 天。。。


You have 89 days left on your unlimited free trial

应该是过了这个天数后,项目数神马的有限制吧,一个 Project 估计还是可以用的.....

If we use both, do we have to pay for both?

Existing customers get a 90-day free trial of the all new Basecamp. Once the trial is up, you can decide to stay with the new Basecamp, just go back to using Classic on the plan you already had, or use a combination of the two. If you choose to use both you'll have to pay for both since they are separate products.

#10 楼 @lainuo 明白了,谢谢解释。


#8 楼 @cqpx pushState 方面的功能貌似 History.js 封装得比较好。

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