招聘 [北京] 甲骨文 Cloud Social Platform Team 招聘 Ruby 高级开发工程师 2 名和测试开发工程师 6 名

invisible_sally · 2013年12月19日 · 最后由 lalameat 回复于 2014年01月13日 · 5160 次阅读
  • 工作地点:北京上地中关村软件园
  • 薪资高于 15K, 会综合技术面试,工作经验,综合评定
  • 需进一步了解职位信息,请发邮件至:[email protected]
  • 更多的职位信息和部分职位 JD, 请查看

Principal/Senior Software Developer-Oracle Cloud Social Platform (Ruby on Rails/Javascript/Java)

  • 4 年以上 OOP 和 Complex Web Application 开发经验
  • 有 Dynamic language like RoR 和 backbone.js, node.js, Spine.js 经验的候选人优先考虑
  • 需要和美国 team 合作,英文口语流利

Organization Name: Oracle Cloud Social Platform

Who we are:
The Oracle Cloud Social Platform is the solution of choice for the world’s biggest brands trying to connect with customers across the social web. We are bringing the best of breed Social Marketing, Site Building, Monitoring and Engagement products to the market.

The Opportunity:
Oracle Social Cloud is seeking smart and talented software engineers to work on our suite of Social Media Management products and has the ambitious to influence the architecture. Our core requirement is that you have solid software development skills, in particular as an object-oriented programmer. Most importantly, we want to see a strong desire to write good code and a willingness to learn Ruby on Rails and modern Javascript if you don’t know them already. Our engineers come from a variety of backgrounds including Ruby, Java, C++, .NET, PHP, and Python.

Would you like to…
Scale apps to handle over 1500 requests per minute?
Have your work be seen by hundreds of millions of people?
Use NoSQL in a production environment?
Do test driven development?
Spend your day engineering software instead of wasting time in meetings?
Solve interesting problems in social media primarily on Line, Sina weibo and Wechat?

Required skills: Solid knowledge of at least one object oriented programming language; Good understanding of dynamic language like RoR. Hands on experience with backbone.js, node.js, Spine.js or similar;
Technologies you’ll use at Oracle Social Cloud: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, RDBMS, NoSQL DBs, RSpec, Cucumber, and Jasmine

Senior Test Developer,Automation QA – Oracle Cloud Social Platform (Ruby/Java/Automation/Web)

  • 4 年以上自动化测试和测试开发经验
  • Complex Web Application 经验
  • 需要和美国 team 合作,英文口语流利

Organization Name: Oracle Cloud Social Platform

Who we are:
The Oracle Cloud Social Platform is the solution of choice for the world’s biggest brands trying to connect with customers across the social web. We are bringing the best of breed Social Marketing, Site Building, Monitoring and Engagement products to the market.

The Opportunity:
Oracle Social Cloud is seeking a talented senior or lead level Quality Assurance Analyst to work on our suite of Social Media Management products. We're looking for someone who is able to build automated test suites from the ground up, and understands how to find and document a wide variety of bugs and vulnerabilities.

Would you like to…
Help to scale apps to handle over 1500 requests per minute?
Have your work be seen by hundreds of millions of people?
Help to Spend your day engineering software instead of wasting time in meetings?
Help to Solve interesting problems in social media primarily on Line, Sina weibo and Wechat ?

Required Skills:
Candidates must have a solid understanding of how the web works, web technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript), and browser debugging tools. Candidates should have notable experience with scripting languages, and have a history of leading QA for either team or a product; you'll be in a position here to make decisions on how QA gets done.


可惜对我太远了,要是能开个年薪 35 万就去投把。

#1 楼 @bhuztez #2 楼 @lalameat 在 Ruby 氛围这么好的社区,这么说话会显得特别突兀,友好点比较好。如果是吐槽,瞎扯淡节点槽点比较多。

外企,大公司,帮 sally 顶一下。

@chechaoyang 我是说真的。Oracle 在上地还是比较远的,还不靠着城铁。

Oracle 的好处是可以锻炼技术,但 4 年经验 + 英语流利才 15K,实在太低了。

#5 楼 @lalameat 抱歉,误会了,中关村软件园应该是离西二旗站比较近,还算方便,其他的那些上地几街就会麻烦点。顺便帮顶一下。

@xds2000 @chechaoyang 谢谢 15K 是起薪,具体薪资要经过面试后,根据技术和项目经验再决定。 地铁 13 号线西二旗和地铁 4 号线安河桥北站到公司早晚有班车。 #1 楼 @bhuztez 特供空气没有,项目/team/工作氛围还是不错的。

有兄弟过去了。我想 30W 应该问题不大。
看到越来越多的公司用 RAILS,直接顶一个!

#9 楼 @sg552sg552 职位不错,可惜本人的大学肄业学历 + 英文口语短板。。。


可以 base 在深圳不,,,

@mvj3 好好学习英语吧。

#13 楼 @sg552sg552 哈,你在摩托罗拉待过可能就不是问题了。。。

英语口语学习我感觉要么是 1, 语言天赋好,实践多,要么 2,花钱参加培训,要么是 3,周围有一些英语环境,遗憾的是本人都比较欠缺。

@mvj3 我个人的经验分享,不知道放在这里是否合适:

#15 楼 @sg552sg552 哈,感谢分享:)我觉得也可以给其他求职者提供一些帮助吧,或者你也可以另开一贴来分享。

仔细看了一下,被你的 stackoverflow 的回答数量给惊到了,我想这个才是你英语口语还可以正常交流的真正原因。

我虽然看的英文技术书没有障碍,看个无字幕电影也勉强可以(像 Ruby Conf 这种就完全没障碍的),和你最大的不同的就是我没有太用英语参与到和别人的讨论里,这方面你真是我的榜样!


@mvj3 赖世雄的「从头学美语」系列不错,让我有相见恨晚的感觉,我正在持续学习中,推荐给你。

#17 楼 @blackanger 谢谢推荐这种系统级的教材:),我感觉除了我现在一些时间用英语与女友日常沟通外,全面的练习也是必要的。


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