分享 The Best Full Stack Web Development Training Out There - From Novice To Employable, and It's FREE!

jwu · 2013年10月21日 · 最后由 n00b1 回复于 2013年10月21日 · 2467 次阅读

http://howtocode.io/index.html will teach you high quality web development, for free. Our aim is to take you from Novice To Employable.

Watch the introduction video to learn more, discover the full course content or even watch a sample video.

​Read, watch, learn and most importantly please share, as the full course will be built as soon as enough people have signed up. It’s you who can make it happen.

Course Content

From basic HTML to advanced Ruby on Rails techniques

The whole course is divided into 16 blocks which are split into topics. Instead of working on a set of small examples, you will work on a single web application, The Red Ruby Restaurant, using what you learn in each block to enhance it. At the beginning of each block, you can download an up-to-date version of the sample app if you chose not to start the course at the first block.

  • Block 1: Introduction
  • Block 2: Structure with HTML
  • Block 3: Styling with CSS
  • Block 4: Keeping track with Git
  • Block 5: Programming basics
  • Block 6: Interaction with JavaScript
  • Block 7: JQuery
  • Block 8: The Ruby language
  • Block 9: Object-Oriented Programming
  • Block 10: Ruby on the web with Rails
  • Block 11: BDD with RSpec
  • Block 12: User interaction with Rails
  • Block 13: Advanced Rails techniques
  • Block 14: Deployment
  • Block 15: Sell yourself
  • Block 16: Workshop




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