新手问题 unexpected INDENT 错误求破

neo · 2013年08月23日 · 最后由 neo 回复于 2013年08月23日 · 11385 次阅读

提示是缩进问题,但是我检查了提示的相关代码,并没有任何错误,把原来没任何改过的文件替换上去也没用,最近有更新过 gems,难道是 gems 出了问题?

问题在 /assets/javascript/app.coffee 里

#1 楼 @x290431695 也查过了,但是应该是没问题的,把之前没做过任何改动的 app.coffee 覆盖上去也没用

#1 楼 @x290431695 应该说我压根就没动过 app.coffee 这个文件。。。所以很困扰= =

把 app.coffee 发出来瞧瞧

#4 楼 @x290431695

#= require jquery
#= require jquery_ujs
#= require bootstrap-transition
#= require bootstrap-alert
#= require bootstrap-modal
#= require bootstrap-dropdown
#= require bootstrap-tab
#= require bootstrap-tooltip
#= require bootstrap-button
#= require bootstrap-carousel 
#= require will_paginate
#= require jquery.timeago
#= require jquery.timeago.settings
#= require jquery.hotkeys
#= require jquery.chosen
#= require jquery.autogrow-textarea
#= require jquery.html5-fileupload
#= require social-share-button
#= require jquery.atwho
#= require emoji_list
#= require faye
#= require notifier
#= require sisyphus
#= require_self
window.App =
  notifier : null,

  loading : () ->
    console.log "loading..."

  fixUrlDash : (url) ->

  # 警告信息显示, to 显示在那个dom前(可以用 css selector)
  alert : (msg,to) ->
    $(to).before("<div class='alert'><a class='close' href='#' data-dismiss='alert'>X</a>#{msg}</div>")

  # 成功信息显示, to 显示在那个dom前(可以用 css selector)
  notice : (msg,to) ->
    $(to).before("<div class='alert alert-success'><a class='close' data-dismiss='alert' href='#'>X</a>#{msg}</div>")

  openUrl : (url) ->

  # Use this method to redirect so that it can be stubbed in test
  gotoUrl: (url) ->
    window.location = url

  likeable : (el) ->
    $el = $(el)
    likeable_type = $el.data("type")
    likeable_id = $el.data("id")
    likes_count = parseInt($el.data("count"))
    if $el.data("state") != "liked"
        url : "/likes"
        type : "POST"
        data :
          type : likeable_type
          id : likeable_id

      likes_count += 1
      $el.data('count', likes_count)
        url : "/likes/#{likeable_id}"
        type : "DELETE"
        data :
          type : likeable_type
      if likes_count > 0
        likes_count -= 1
      $el.data("state","").data('count', likes_count).attr("title", "喜欢")
      if likes_count == 0
      $("i.icon",el).attr("class","icon small_like")

  likeableAsLiked : (el) ->
    likes_count = $(el).data("count")
    $(el).data("state","liked").attr("title", "取消喜欢")
    $("i.icon",el).attr("class","icon small_liked")

  # 绑定 @ 回复功能
  atReplyable : (el, logins) ->
    return if logins.length == 0
    $(el).atWho "@"
      data : logins
      tpl : "<li data-value='${login}'>${login} <small>${name}</small></li>"

  initForDesktopView : () ->
    return if typeof(app_mobile) != "undefined"

    # CommentAble @ 回复功能
    commenters = App.scanLogins($(".cell_comments .comment .info .name a"))
    commenters = ({login: k, name: v} for k, v of commenters)
    App.atReplyable(".cell_comments_new textarea", commenters)

  # scan logins in jQuery collection and returns as a object,
  # which key is login, and value is the name.
  scanLogins: (query) ->
    result = {}
    for e in query
      $e = $(e)
      result[$e.text()] = $e.attr('data-name')


  initNotificationSubscribe : () ->
    faye = new Faye.Client(FAYE_SERVER_URL)
    notification_subscription = faye.subscribe "/notifications_count/#{CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}",(json) ->
      span = $("#user_notifications_count span")
      new_title = $(document).attr("title").replace(/\(\d+\) /,'')
      if json.count > 0
        new_title = "(#{json.count}) #{new_title}"
        url = App.fixUrlDash("#{ROOT_URL}#{json.content_path}")
        console.log url
      $(document).attr("title", new_title)

$(document).ready ->


  App.initNotificationSubscribe() if FAYE_SERVER_URL?

    timeout : 2
    excludeFields : $('input[name=utf8], input[name=_method], input[name=authenticity_token]')
  $('form a.reset').click ->

  # 绑定评论框 Ctrl+Enter 提交事件
  $(".cell_comments_new textarea").bind "keydown","ctrl+return",(el) ->
    if $(el.target).val().trim().length > 0
    return false

  # Choose 样式

  # Go Top
  $("a.go_top").click () ->
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 },300);
    return false

  $(window).bind 'scroll resize', ->
    scroll_from_top = $(window).scrollTop()
    if scroll_from_top >= 1

@neo 替换这个方法:

# 绑定 @ 回复功能
atReplyable : (el, logins) ->
  return if logins.length == 0
  $(el).atWho("@", data : logins, tpl : "<li data-value='${login}'>${login} <small>${name}</small></li>")

#6 楼 @x290431695 哇,厉害!!!谢谢~~~是原来的缩进有问题么?

@neo 我也不懂 coffeescript,反正这么做就对了~

#7 楼 @neo unexpected INDENT 都提示了是缩进的问题呀

#9 楼 @huacnlee 原来的写法编译的时候没有问题啊?版本的问题?

# 绑定 @ 回复功能
  atReplyable : (el, logins) ->
    return if logins.length == 0
    $(el).atWho "@"
      data : logins
      tpl : "<li data-value='${login}'>${login} <small>${name}</small></li>"
需要 登录 后方可回复, 如果你还没有账号请 注册新账号