This is the home page of the project to translate into English the Ruby Hacking Guide. The RHG is a book that explains how the ruby interpreter (the official C implementation of the Ruby language) works internally.
To fully understand it, you need a good knowledge of C and Ruby. The original book includes a Ruby tutorial (chapter 1), but it has not been translated yet, and we think there are more important chapters to translate first. So if you have not done it yet, you should read a book like the Pickaxe first.
Please note that this book was based on the source code of ruby 1.7.3 so there are a few small differences to the current version of ruby. However, these differences may make the source code simpler to understand and the Ruby Hacking Guide is a good starting point before looking into the ruby source code. The version of the source code used can be downloaded here: http://i.loveruby.net/ja/rhg/ar/ruby-rhg.tar.gz.
Many thanks to RubyForge for hosting us and to Minero AOKI for letting us translate his work.