瞎扯淡 Ruby 1.8.7 这会真的退休了。

xds2000 · 2013年06月30日 · 最后由 andor_chen 回复于 2013年06月30日 · 3471 次阅读


I think the majority of people and that you are using 2.0.0 or ruby ​​1.9.x already. Once (., So please if still exists), there was a version 1.4.x, 1.6.x, and 1.8.x. These are known as MRI, is a descendant of 1.0 lineal ruby. 1.8.0 was released by matz ruby ​​as state-of-the-art at that time, 1.8.7 is now one of the last of its pedigree.

When you talk technical, 10 years after 1.8.0 is released, five years have passed since 1.8.7 is released. Until then, ruby ​​was used for writing CGI scripts. Thereafter, Rails appeared, the situation is completely changed. Many people have started using ruby. And we have reached a merge (was called YARV at that time) new engine made out of ko1. This engine was a ruby ​​legitimate being used today.

I can say '10 have passed, 1.8.7 has become legacy is that it very gratifying. 1.8.7 made a history. Literally, I have changed our lives. And, in order to ever-changing, we move forward. Is a wonderful very Ruby 2.0.0, but to the more attractive the 2.1 come, allowed to end 1.8.7, we will continue to focus on ruby ​​trunk is developing state-of-the-art version.

Thank you, 1.8.7. It was a good life as a program.

This is very disturbing English … machine translation?

@blacktulip bingo, Google translate

#3 楼 @hooopo 其实我都 fork 了一个 www.ruby-lang.org 打算做点贡献... 但是仔细一看落下的进度实在太多了,感觉做不完 -_-||

#4 楼 @blacktulip 不要全做完。。一点点来啊 呵呵 呵呵

#5 楼 @hooopo 既然你这么说... 我去每天弄一点弄一点吧...

#5 楼 @hooopo 咦,已经有人都补上了啊,哈哈

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