招聘 [上海] 法国公司上海办公室招聘 Developer

clawhammer · 2013年06月17日 · 最后由 clawhammer 回复于 2013年07月24日 · 4142 次阅读

朋友法国公司招全职 Developer 以下是基本要求。有兴趣的可以私信我。工作地点在上海市中心。

You will be responsible for

  • developing a RoR website
  • testing and writing RoR code
  • participating to the softwares development process

Technically you will play and should be a master with

  • Ruby On Rails
  • MySql
  • jQuery
  • html5
  • git

What kind of person we are looking for?

  • who speaks programming language fluently
  • appreciate the beauty in well written code
  • has a sense of humor
  • is passionate and perfectionist

How we roll

  • nice office in the heart of Shanghai, we want to make it cool and convivial
  • agile methodologies (xp, scrum)
  • flexible hours, but we like to finish our projects in time
  • friendly atmosphere
  • we are young and dynamic
  • no micro-management, we love autonomous developers

who speaks programming language fluently


looks great, up!

看来真要学习 ruby 这个行当了-。-

who speaks programming language fluently

法语滴不会,ROR 滴一般


#4 楼 @Sunnyroger en...., how to speak the "Ruby" language?

wow~~who speaks programming language fluently, 死掉一大批人~~


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