招聘 [北京] EMC 急招 Sr. Developer Engineer for testing cloud in BRS

martinemc · 2013年06月03日 · 最后由 foo 回复于 2013年07月15日 · 4180 次阅读

About EMC

EMC, headquartered in Hopkinton, MA, is a global company with over 40,000 employees and is a major information provider. EMC BRS focuses on Backup and Restore Software development and has over 67% market share in data protection market.

CTH, Common Test Harness, is a global team in BRS to develop a testing cloud infrastructure for BRS internal users. The infrastructure provides end to end test solution for BRS product lines.

Job Description

  • Integrated BRS additional automation frameworks
  • Develop and maintain one of more CTH components/functions (e.g. Request Handler, Schedulers, provisioning, etc)
  • Augment operational support/maintenance

Job Requirements

  • MS/BA/BS or equivalent technical experience, 3+ years
  • Excellent programming skills in multiple languages (Ruby, Perl, C/C++, Java, bash, Python, PHP, etc.)
  • Preference gives to development experience with Ruby on Rails
  • Strong experience in Unix/Linux and Windows system development and administration.
  • Strong knowledge and experience on VMware products and vShpere SDK.
  • Strong knowledge and experience on database(PostgreSQL, MySQL) and multi-tier architectures.
  • Familiar with software and tools, such as Eclipse, Rational Quality Manager, * Perforce, RubyMine, Resque, Radis, Ngnix, Bugzilla
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills to interface with other product Developers and Engineering Management.
  • Self-starter and able to manage multiple priorities and tasks in a dynamic environment

Location: 五道口,北京 Application Deadline: June 30, 2013 Please send resume to: [email protected]



原来北京的 BRS 部门也招 Ruby 程序员啊,跟咱们一样

iBachue, 你 EMC 的么?我们刚成立的 team, 正在招兵买马,有没有朋友推荐下?

#4 楼 @martinemc 是啊 我也是 EMC BRS 部门的呀 不过我认识都是上海的朋友 没有北京的

匿名 #6 2013年06月03日

3 年是必须的?啊?

#6 楼 @hello_little_yy 一般 requirement 都不是底线,但是你要记住你是在和有能力达到这个 requirement 的人竞争。

匿名 #8 2013年06月03日

#7 楼 @iBachue 呵呵。我每次招聘人,我都不认为年龄是问题。以前学学校 ACM 赛队的时候,看到哪些小弟弟,气球比我门多,佩服啊

匿名 #9 2013年06月03日

#7 楼 @iBachue 我不是好汉

Black Rock Shooter


EMC 强大的企业啊

#11 楼 @shatle 你完全可以去试试啊


  • Excellent programming skills in multiple languages (Ruby, Perl, C/C++, Java, bash, Python, PHP, etc.)


EMC 还是挺棒的。 环境和 team 里的同事都很好。

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