瞎扯淡 name.com 被攻击了?

zlx_star · 2013年05月09日 · 最后由 outman 回复于 2013年05月09日 · 2675 次阅读

name.com 也被攻击了,还是 linode 事件的延续?


We are writing to inform you of a security measure we have taken to protect the integrity of the domain names and information associated with your account.

Name.com recently discovered a security breach where customer account information including usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords and encrypted credit card account information may have been accessed by unauthorized individuals. It appears that the security breach was motivated by an attempt to gain information on a single, large commercial account at Name.com.

Name.com stores your credit card information using strong encryption and the private keys required to access that information are stored physically in a separate remote location that was not compromised. Therefore, we don't believe that your credit card information was accessed in a usable format. Additionally, your EPP codes (required for domain transfers) were unaffected as they are also stored separately. We have no evidence to suggest that your data has been used for fraudulent activities.

As a response to these developments, and as a precautionary measure, we are requiring that all customers reset their passwords before logging in. If you use your previous Name.com password in other online systems, we also strongly recommend that you change your password in each of those systems as well.

是先攻下的 name.com 才顺道搞下的 linode. 关于这个的八卦,请看这里:http://blog.xdite.net/

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