瞎扯淡 《乔布斯:遗失的访谈》中英文字幕

2forVendetta · 2013年05月04日 · 最后由 cisolarix 回复于 2013年05月05日 · 4711 次阅读

虽然不是每个人都是果粉 但大多数人都用着苹果的产品 16 年前遗失的乔布斯访谈


刚看完,说得真好,套用 colbert 的说法,乔布斯就是 IT 界的美杜莎,个人魅力太足了

主持人:你怎么知道你选的方向就是对的呢? (And how do you know what's the right direction?) 乔布斯思考了一会儿说:我想这得归结于品味了。 (You know, ultimately it comes down to taste, it comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done, and then try to bring those things in to what you're doing. Picasso had a saying "good artists copy, great artists steal". We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas...)

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