API Demo based on Revel framework with JWT Authentication.
An E-commerence JSON API Service.
Shell Scripting Examples.
Converting other annotation formats to YOLO format.
mongodb golang driver
Learn Rust with examples (Live code editor included)
🍐 Elegant Golang REST API Framework
fserver serves a directory as a HTTP file server.
indexing library for Go
Testing the network connectivity use ping command on Windows.
不错,相当于运行环境在 ubuntu,编辑在 win
PKI 本身存在设计缺陷,这会导致任何 CA 都可以签发任何域名的证书。 已经签发的一般不受影响。除非浏览器对其屏蔽。
以前遇到过 worker 过多导致 load 极高的情况,worker 不是越多越好,nginx 如果参数优化好本身没问题的,瓶颈在于硬件和后端的软件。
nginx 进程过多了,试试 2 个