Run and serve your web apps in .test domains on your develop machine.
OmniAuth Strategy for TikTok LoginKit
Website of the Gale Riders runners club
Michael Yin's dotfiles
A modular geospatial engine. Ruby port of TurfJS.
Michael Yin's very own hosting software (I can't believe he's using that thingy to host all his s...
Turf.js bridge for ruby
#22 楼 @_samqiu 东莞不是前段时间暴风雨了么…… -_-
其实我觉的,造轮子(做一个框架 / lib / etc)和造车 ( 做一个论坛 / 一个 19wu / 一个弹幕站 / 一个活动站点,例如 rubyconfchina.org ) 真的是很有区别的。对新人来说,做第二种(造车)不是更有意思吗?5 个人一起做,然后 5 个人当版主,服务器费用 5 个人平摊。让新人做一个 orm 会不会压力山大?
啊~ 泪目……(你要去美国了么?)不过说实话,如果有肉翻的机会还是好好把握吧 (羡慕...)