• 开放搜索服务哪个便宜 at November 19, 2016

    Elasticsearch + searchkick

  • 我从 Vue.js 回到了 jQuery at November 19, 2016

    目前 JS framework 选择性很高很多自由,但也经常碰到各种配置问题 (Webpack 就很多小细节要注意) . 经典 jquery 至少还是个比较简单的工具。

  • 维护新闻内容累的项目挺累的,加油。还是你有跑动一些爬虫? Vue.js 很不错的,简约轻便易学。

  • gem "rails-controller-testing" 可以回去使用 ActionController::TestCase 个人比较习惯使用 assigns(:item) 使用 test, 尤其是 api 接口用 ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest 不方便

  • webhooks 验证公钥失败 at July 12, 2016

    以下是我包装的一个 concern (private key 故意没有填入)

    # app/controllers/concerns/ping_plus_plus_concern.rb
    require "base64"
    require "openssl"
    module PingPlusPlusConcern
      extend ActiveSupport::Concern
      PUBLIC_KEY_PATH = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'pingpp_rsa_public_key.pem')
      included do 
        before_action :set_public_key
        before_action :set_private_key
      def verify_signature(signature, token)
        verify_hash = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new
        pub = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@public_key)
        pub.verify(verify_hash, Base64.urlsafe_decode64(signature), token)
      def generate_signature(token)
        sign_hash = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new
        priv = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key)
        signature = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(priv.sign(sign_hash, token))
        signature.gsub!(/\n/, '')
      def set_public_key
        @public_key = File.read(PUBLIC_KEY_PATH)
      def set_private_key
        @private_key = "" # TODO
      ## check request header and verify from pingpp
      ## get header at "x-pingplusplus-signature" and verify against json payload
      def verify_signature?
        # x-pingplusplus-signature  RSA-SHA256 private key?
        sig = request.headers["x-pingplusplus-signature"].presence
        logger.info "[Charges verify_signature] signature=#{sig}"
        # json payload from request body
        token = request.body.read
        logger.info "[Charges verify_signature] token=#{token}"
        # verify
        verify = verify_signature(sig, token)
        logger.info "[Charges verify_signature] verify=#{verify}"
        return verify

    然后 controller 里头可以这样使用:

    # app/controllers/charges_controller.rb
    class ChargesController < ApplicationController
      include PingPlusPlusConcern
      # skip CSRF, for callback
      skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:callback]
      # json response
      respond_to :json
      # POST /charges/callback
      # for pingplusplus webhook
      def callback
        unless Rails.env.test?
            head :no_content, status: :unauthorized and return unless verify_signature?
        if webhook_params[:type] == "charge.succeeded"
            # handle webhook
  • @runup v1.6.8 has build problems, try following the issue: https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/1483 若是本地 development 开发几台的话可以试试: brew uninstall xz; gem install nokogirl -v 1.6.8

  • SSL 证书哪个好啊 at January 11, 2016

    @peter 我 DNS 在阿里云上,letsencrypt 搞了老半天无法验证,看了 letsencrypt 反馈好像很多国内 DNS 商无法验证?

  • OneAPM 简单体验及建议 at January 08, 2016

    This is excellent... 我个人很喜欢 skylight.io 的简约风格,但是多次环境、火墙、deployment 等等的头痛后,今天最后找寻国内的 APM. 找到了 oneapm, 从注册到安装到 deploy 上服务器整整花了 5 分钟不到。值得推荐!