Rails wtf. 3.2.10 出现 Rack::Session::Cookie SECURITY WARNING

calebx · January 07, 2013 · Last by charles replied at January 08, 2013 · 4281 hits

启动服务出现这么一段 warning... SECURITY WARNING: No secret option provided to Rack::Session::Cookie. This poses a security threat. It is strongly recommended that you provide a secret to prevent exploits that may be possible from crafted cookies. This will not be supported in future versions of Rack, and future versions will even invalidate your existing user cookies.

Called from: /Users/calebx/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/actionpack-3.2.10/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:28:in `initialize'.



This is a Rails bug, as the subclass is violating the superclass API contract.

The warning can be safely ignored by Rails users.

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