线下活动 [北京][12-8] Global Day of Coderetreat

sundevilyang · 2012年12月04日 · 最后由 sundevilyang 回复于 2012年12月05日 · 2664 次阅读

Beijing is participating in the Global Day of Coderetreat 2012! 报名

摘抄几个重点吧 - - 当然信息还是以主办方的为准~ 有疑问可以在报名链接到的页面提问什么的。

时间: 12 月 8 号一整天

地点: 清华科技园创新大厦 A 座 9 层,斯伦贝谢北京地球科技中心

内容: Coderetreat 主办方设计的软件开发与软件设计的基础练习。

参与要求: 自带笔记本电脑 (laptop, 不是 notebook).

其他: 提供早晨&午餐。

Coderetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event focused on the fundamentals of software development and design.The unique coderetreat format (which eliminates the pressure of ‘getting things done’ and focuses on practicing basic principles of good design) has proven to be a highly effective (and fun) means of skill improvement. Check out to Corey Haines’s coderetreat site if you want further details on what to expect.

On December 8th, Coderetreats will be held at cities all over the world. To celebrate this significant event, we’ll be participating in some global activities in addition to our normal Coderetreat activities. Afterwards, stick around and we’ll all go out to dinner or for a few drinks. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

You only need to bring a laptop with the development tools you require to write code using your chosen programming languages. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

This event is hosted and sponsored by Schlumberger Beijing Geoscience Center. See the Google Map for directions and Parking suggestions.

摘抄几个重点吧 - - 当然信息还是以主办方的为准~ 有疑问可以在报名链接到的页面提问什么的。

时间: 12 月 8 号一整天

地点: 清华科技园创新大厦 A 座 9 层,斯伦贝谢北京地球科技中心

内容: Coderetreat 主办方设计的软件开发与软件设计的基础练习。

参与要求: 自带笔记本电脑 (laptop, 不是 notebook).

其他: 提供早晨&午餐。

#1 楼 @5long 需要报名的哈。不过现在貌似人满了。我在跟组织者协商看看能不能给 rubyist 加几个位子。

#2 楼 @sundevilyang 我今天发现杭州的 CodeRetreat 也在 12 月 8 号,难道是统一时间多会场活动的?@.@

这是组织者 mike 写的 Hi Everyone! Since we reached our limit I found a bigger space for the Global Day of Coderetreat. We can now accept 50 attendees, so please feel free to invite your friends along!


@lgn21st 因为时间有点紧急,而且报名名额有限,所以能否置顶一下哈:)thx

#3 楼 @yedingding 第二段第一句话:On December 8th, Coderetreats will be held at cities all over the world. :)真是个不错的活动哈

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