写的有点赶,大家凑合著看,有问题去 factory_girl 的 github wiki 页面 了解更多...或是发问...
Fixtures are a way of organizing test data
首先 Rails 的 Fixture 是用 YAML 写成的,比 XML 简洁多拉,但还是不爽阿,咱项目都用 Ruby 写的,我全都要用 Ruby!!! 就有人就开始在 YAML 里面塞 Ruby 代码,使用了 YAML 的继承特性...很快你的 YAML 就一团混乱拉。
直接硬上也不做个安全措施……这点在很多方面都不好的,你懂得,比如没有验证 (NO validations)...
ActiveRecord 有一套自己的流程,直接把 YAML 插入数据库,
整个不把 ActiveRecord 放在眼里,当然也不能使用好用的回调函数 (callback) 拉...
如果想自己加入 callback,那又得在假数据里面塞 Ruby 代码。。。又变一团糟了。
好了,米国有一家 Thoughtbot 公司,里面一群帅哥
觉得 尼马,这太坑爹了 ,就“搞了一个 [工厂女孩][fg]”来解决假数据的问题...
factory_girl_rails provides Rails integration for factory_girl. Automatic factory definition loading will be added.
首先打开你的 Gemfile
group :test, :development do
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
它主要的核心功能是从 factory_girl
这个 Gem 来的。
目前 2012 年 6 月 12 日最新版本是 3.4.0
先建立个 model 当例子
rails g model guitar description:string year:string strings:integer lefty:boolean
一个吉他模型,有著吉他的描述、年份、是几弦 (strings) 的 左手吉他 (lefty)...
invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120613012531_create_guitars.rb create app/models/guitar.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/guitar_test.rb invoke factory_girl create test/factories/guitars.rb
刚刚我们在 Gemfile 把 factory_girl_rails
加在 :development
这样之后只要用到 rails g model
create test/factories/guitars.rb
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
== CreateGuitars: migrating ================================================== -- create_table(:guitars) -> 0.0024s == CreateGuitars: migrated (0.0025s) =========================================
接下来打开 test/factories/guitars.rb
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do factory :guitar do description "MyString" year "MyString" strings 1 lefty false end end
gem 帮我们照刚刚产生模型那行指令建立了一个工厂...
现在让我们建立一下吉他的 model...
rails g model guitar description:string year:string strings:integer lefty:boolean
接下来让我们打开 console 在测试数据库里面玩弄一下工厂女孩 这个 gem...
rails c test
guitar = FactoryGirl.create(:guitar)
(0.2ms) begin transaction SQL (1.2ms) INSERT INTO "guitars" ("created_at", "description", "lefty", "strings", "updated_at", "year") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["created_at", Wed, 13 Jun 2012 01:34:05 UTC +00:00], ["description", "MyString"], ["lefty", false], ["strings", 1], ["updated_at", Wed, 13 Jun 2012 01:34:05 UTC +00:00], ["year", "MyString"]]
(1.4ms) commit transaction => #
我们创了一把吉他出来,注意 SQL 是用 INSERT INTO
guitar = FactoryGirl.build(:guitar)
我们就可以把玩各式各样 guitar 所有的方法啦...
guitar.new_record? => true
TIPS: attributes_for
方法会针对给定的工厂返回一个 hash,这在功能及控制器测试里很有用。
attrs = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:guitar) => {:description=>"MyString", :year=>"MyString", :strings=>1, :lefty=>false}
让我们看看怎么用继承来让代码 DRY
假如我们有两种吉他,一个叫做 coldplay_lefty 左手吉他,coldplay_lefty 是六弦的,
年份 2000,另一个叫做 placebo,年份 2010,我们要怎么样利用继承来尽量不重复代码呢:
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do factory :guitar do description "Basic Guitar" year "2012" strings 7 lefty false
factory :coldplay_lefty do description 'coldplay' year '2000' strings 6 lefty true end
factory :placebo do description 'placebo' year '2010' end end end
接下来重启 console 来试试看:
rails c test placebo = FactoryGirl.create(:placebo) coldplay_lefty = FactoryGirl.create(:coldplay_lefty)
好了,现在我们有俩店面,有的吉他是从 A 店面卖的,有的从 B 店面卖的,咋整呢?
产生一个店面 model 来存放吉他...一样 factory_girl
$ rails g model store_location address:string invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120613020928_create_store_locations.rb create app/models/store_location.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/store_location_test.rb invoke factory_girl create test/factories/store_locations.rb
接著将两个表关连起来,给 Guitar 表加个 Foreign key...
rails g migration AddStoreLocationIdToGuitars store_location_id:integer
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
去 app/models/guitar.rb
belongs_to store_location
去 test/factories/guitars.rb
添加 store_location
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do factory :guitar do description "Basic Guitar" year "2012" strings 7 lefty false store_location
factory :coldplay_lefty do description 'coldplay' year '2000' strings 6 lefty true end
factory :placebo do description 'placebo' year '2010' end end end
重启 console 试试:
rails c test FactoryGirl.create(:guitar)
成功的话会发现两个表已经关联起来了,看看有没有 store_location_id
添加特定吉他销售地 test/factories/store_locations.rb
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do factory :store_location do address "My String" end
factory :coldplay_showroom, class: 'StoreLocation' do address "UK London coldplay" end
factory :placebo_showroom, class: 'StoreLocation' do address "UK Oxford placebo" end end
注意要加上 class: 'StoreLocation'
告诉它这是给 StoreLocation 用的工厂...
去 test/factories/guitars.rb
添加特定 store_location
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do factory :guitar do description "Basic Guitar" year "2012" strings 7 lefty false store_location
factory :coldplay_lefty do description 'coldplay' year '2000' strings 6 lefty true store_location factory: :coldplay_showroom end
factory :placebo do description 'placebo' year '2010' store_location factory: :placebo_showroom end end end
If you need uniqueness on a field, sequencing comes in handy. The sequences can then be used in your other definitions. E.g. email
rails g migration AddInventoryCodeToGuitars inventory_code:string
invoke active_record create db/migrate/20120613023044_add_inventory_code_to_guitars.rb
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare == AddInventoryCodeToGuitars: migrating ====================================== -- add_column(:guitars, :inventory_code, :string) -> 0.0013s == AddInventoryCodeToGuitars: migrated (0.0015s) =============================
到 test/factories/guitars.rb
添加一个 sequence
sequence :inventory_code do |n| "GR#{n}" end
inventory_code { FactoryGirl.next(:inventroy_code)}
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryGirl.define do
sequence :inventory_code do |n| "GR#{n}" end
factory :guitar do description "Basic Guitar" year "2012" strings 7 lefty false store_location inventory_code { FactoryGirl.generate(:inventory_code)}
factory :coldplay_lefty do description 'coldplay' year '2000' strings 6 lefty true store_location factory: :coldplay_showroom end
factory :placebo do description 'placebo' year '2010' store_location factory: :placebo_showroom end end end
sequence(:inventory_code) { |n| "GR#{n}" }
...希望你大概了解了怎么用工厂女孩,更多信息上 github wiki 看...