Gem aliyun-mqs: 在 ruby 中使用阿里云的 MQS 队列服务

skinnyworm · November 04, 2014 · 3150 hits

在写这个 gem 的时候发现 aliyun-mqs 的 gem 名字已经被占用,所以发了 Pull request 给原作者,希望原作者同意将这个 gem 合并回去。在这之前不能使用 gem install,只能通过 bundle 使用

gem 'aliyun-mqs', :git => 'git://'

言归正转,这是一个帮助 ruby 开发者迅速使用阿里云的 MQS 服务,具体文档都写在 Github 上了,这里就简单的 copy/paste 了。github 地址是


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Talk to the mighty Aliyun MQS with charming ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aliyun-mqs', :git => 'git://'

And then execute:

$ bundle

As this branch of the gem is not yet merged into the master branch, you can not install it via gem install for now.


Command line configuration

The gem come with a command line tool mqs. It can help you easily manage the aliyun mqs within the terminal. In order to use this tool, you need to provide a configuration yaml file in your home directory which contains information about your mqs access_id and keys.

The configuration file should be stored at ~/aliyun-mqs.yml

access_id:  'lUxxxxxxxx'
key:        'VWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
region:     'cn-hangzhou'
owner_id:   'ckxxxxxxxx'

Rails configuration

If you are going to use this gem in a rails environment. You need to create a configuration file at <RAILS_ROOT>/config/aliyun-mqs.yml. In this way, you can use different set of queues for your development or production environments.

    access_id:  'lUxxxxxxxx'
    key:        'VWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    region:     'cn-hangzhou'
    owner_id:   'ckxxxxxxxx'

    access_id:  'lUxxxxxxxx'
    key:        'VWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    region:     'cn-hangzhou'
    owner_id:   'ckxxxxxxxx'

Config in an application

At last you can also config the gem in place, by excute the following code before invoking and queue service.

Aliyun::Mqs.configure do |config|
  config.access_id = 'access-id'
  config.key = "key"
  config.region = 'region'
  config.owner_id = 'owner-id'


This gem comes with a handy commandline tool mqs to help you manage your queue. Once the queue is installed. Execute 'mqs --help' to find out what commands are supported.

$ mqs --help

  mqs consume [queue] -wait <wait_seconds>  # 从[queue]队列接受消息并删除
  mqs create [queue]                        # 创建一个消息队列
  mqs delete [queue]                        # 删除一个消息队列
  mqs peek [queue]                          # 从[queue]队列中peek消息
  mqs queues                                # 列出所有消息队列列表
  mqs send [queue] [message]                # 往[queue]队列发送[message]消息

Following are few examples.


$ mqs queues


$ mqs send another "Test message"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Message xmlns="">

Peek 队列中的消息

$ mqs peek another
Peek 队列another中的消息
队列: another
ID: 55D5B01D1AE93D78-1-14979D45F33-200000001
Enqueue at: 2014-11-04 16:03:21 +0800
First enqueue at: 2014-11-04 16:03:21 +0800
Dequeue count: 0
Priority: 10
Test message


Be careful, consume command will first receive the message and then delete the message within a time period specfied by the queue.

$ mqs consume another
Consume 队列another中的消息
队列: another
ID: 55D5B01D1AE93D78-1-14979D45F33-200000001
Receipt handle: 1-ODU4OTkzNDU5My0xNDE1MDg4MzU2LTEtMTA=
Enqueue at: 2014-11-04 16:03:21 +0800
First enqueue at: 2014-11-04 16:05:26 +0800
Next visible at: 2014-11-04 16:05:56 +0800
Dequeue count: 1
Priority: 10
Test message


Following are some example useage of the gem. You can read the specs to understand the full features of this gem

#get a list of queue object
queues = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue.queues

#get all queues start with name 'query'
queues =Aliyun::Mqs::Queue.queues(query: "query") 

#get all queues start with name 'query'
queues = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue.queues(size: 5)

#Obtain a queue object with name "aQueue"
queue = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"] 

#Create a new queue

#Create a new queue with polling wait 30 seconds
Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].create(:PollingWaitSeconds => 30)

#Delete an existing queue

#Send a text message
Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].send_message "text message"

#Send a text message with priority option
Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].send_message "text message", :Priority=>1

#Receive a message
message = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].receive_message

#Sample rspec for a message
expect(message).not_to be_nil
expect( eq("5fea7756-0ea4-451a-a703-a558b933e274")
expect(message.body).to eq("This is a test message")
expect(message.body_md5).to eq("fafb00f5732ab283681e124bf8747ed1")
expect(message.receipt_handle).to eq("MbZj6wDWli+QEauMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9Mx/KSbkJ0")
expect(message.enqueue_at).to eq(
expect(message.first_enqueue_at).to eq(
expect(message.next_visible_at).to eq(
expect(message.dequeue_count).to eq(1)
expect(message.priority).to eq(8)

#Receive a message with option to override the default poll wait time of the queue.
message = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].receive_message wait_seconds: 60

#Peek message in the queue
message = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].peek_message

#Delete received message
message = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].receive_message

#Change message visibility
message = Aliyun::Mqs::Queue["aQueue"].receive_message
message.change_visibility 10

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